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Everything posted by daislea

  1. daislea


    Born along the outskirts of Elvenesse, Ilithiya was raised in a religious household with strict rules. These strict rules-- mostly enforced by her mother-- led her to the idea that she always must be ladylike. Upon meeting her new and current friends, she was introduced to new ethics. However, her mother restricted her often from hanging out with these friends. One night, iIlithiya snuck out to meet these friends, and soon discovered her love for archery there and then. She noticed her friends were all into different types of “non-ladylike” things that her mother had raised her not to do. This growth from being prim and proper to more rough around the edges led to the person that Ilithiya is today. She is now more in tune with who she is, and makes decisions for herself that are fitting for her, and her personal freedom. Although there are two pillars of Wood Elven culture (faith and family) Ilithiya only ever believed in one; faith. She has always maintained the faith within herself while blurring out her family, and the harsh upbringing they brought upon her. She used to feel bad about this, and felt as if she wasn't a true Wood Elf if she didn't fully practice their religion. This caused the issue that she still struggles with to this day, identity fraud, and wanting to be human. Even though Ilithiya doesn't fully accept the Wood Elven religion, she does accept fully their past, specifically the Iblees' War. One of her ancestors took part in that war, and a piece of their broken wooden sword has been passed down to Ilithiya from generations. She calls it her "little wooden trinket" and always keeps it in her left pocket. She enjoys telling the thrilling stories behind the artifact.
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