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Everything posted by Jaylien

  1. Jaylien


    Asgard grew up with his religious farmer family. living with both parents and being the eldest of 6 siblings {3 boys and 3 girls} for Meany years life had its challenges living so far away from other settlements and in the cold. the family prayed every night for help and salvation from poverty ,the prayers were never answered but they surpassed every challenge the world threw at them. he had been training for years using a bow and sword to one day be found by solders to make his parents proud. at the age of 16, asgards father took him on a hunt. with lead to his father being wounded by a rusty trap which eventually lead up to his death due to infection. Asgard continued to pray for his father to be returned to him. and now as the soul supplier for the family he had to hunt more often. but one night he came back from a long hunt to fined his home had been attacked by wolfs. with no survivors Asgard cured the gods and swore he will not die a nobody and will make a mark his mark on the world and finally make his parents proud
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