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Adrian Sanchez

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Character Profile

  • Character Name
    Adrian Sanchez
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  1. Adrian Sanchez


    Adrian and his parents lived and was born in The saltfolk of judi, his parents raised Adrian to be respectful to everyone he met even if they had different beliefs. Adrian wasn't the smartest but always knew how to make friends. At the age of 5 Adrian's baby brother Jim was born, happy to not be an only child, adrian feared of being a bad brother he would protect his brother from dangers and once saved him from falling down a well by pushing him out of the way and instead fell into it and was hurt causing him to be afraid of dark and tight places. once Adrian reached the age of ten, he was able to learn more about the danger of the outside world and more about the history of his city. Adrian and his friend Todd always tried to be like solders and protect people form bullies and lend a hand to people who needed help. Adrian and Todd would soon teach jim about helping others and to always be brave, once adrian reached the age of 15 his parents gave adrian a wooden practice sword to train his swordship although adrain wasn't any good he still train as hard as he could. He soon would teach his friend Todd and his brother jim to use a sword although its not like a real sword its close enough for them. Once Adrian turned 17 he started working a black smith so he can make money so he could Venture beyond his city and make new friends and new dangers. Once Adrian turned 18 he would soon quit his job of helping the black smith since he did raise enough money to catch a boat and have the adventure he dreamed of.
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