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Everything posted by shelltoe

  1. shelltoe


    Everette was a mediocre child, he wasn’t found to be super good at anything, or super bad at anything. He was mainly average in everything except strategy. It took him a bit longer than others to learn how to read, however once he did learn how to read he never let the books go. Everette read stories about great battles and armies, and read biographies of great generals in the past. Everette’s want for power began at this point, with a want for having stories written about him and his glorious exploits. So Everette trained. He trained his mind and his body for battle, learning almost every strategy he could. Eventually the time came for Everette to prove his worth and attempt to become a Knight. If he were to become a Knight then his story would truly begin. Everette’s parents didn’t approve of him wanting to become a Knight, and avidly tried to get him into other things. However the only thing they could get him into, was alchemy. Although even the new fascination with alchemy didn’t stop Everette’s wanting for becoming a Knight, in fact it only helped his ambitions grow. Now he had something that made him stand out slightly, all he needed was a place of power. In order to start his journey towards becoming a warrior that is remembered for eternity, Everette went into the woods to slay a great beast. He felt that if he did this, he may be knighted and enlisted into the army. Everette stayed in the forest for a few months, searching for a beast that he could kill. Eventually he decided to set up a permanent camp near a river, since it was a source of fresh water. After a few hours of waiting Everette came across the beast that would secure his spot, a giant crab that could eat bears. Everette snuck up on the beast and covered his skinning knife in a poison. He slid the blade in through the bottom, and a cry of pain loud enough for the entire forest to hear bellowed from the crab. It shook and attempted to find what stabbed it, and it eventually found Everette. Everette got thrown off of the crab due to it's shaking, and landed with a thud against a massive tree. The crab immediately charged Everette, however by sheer luck the poison in it's veins caused the crab to seize up and be unable to move. A cheer of victory came from Everette as he stepped onto the beast and slew the beast using his sword. Once done Everette used his skinning knife to cut off a leg, which he thought would bring him great notoriety back in the town. However when he returned he found that nobody thought the leg was real. Now Everette travels the lands in search of greater beasts to kill so his story may be remembered throughout history.
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