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James IV

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Everything posted by James IV

  1. James IV


    Cartier a human male grew up in a town just off of Oren's which is now in ruins, he had always believed in a higher being but questioned his beliefs in religion he specifically questioned Red Faith. At the age of 11 he witnessed his horrible father unleash his fury upon the dog and his older brother. His father Ferdinand was never home and would often be out in the town drinking and staying out with other women. Cartier at the age of 13 was fed up with this behavior and as his father came home drunk he confronted him. Ferdinand responded back with a brutal beating, Cartier ran to his quarters crying. Days past and the boy was beat every night for standing up for himself and for his family, however he did not cry anymore from being beat and instead counted the number of times he was struck. At the age of 16 Cartier's father had passed away, he had been gone since the boy was 14, living at another home and having another child. Left alone with his mother Cartier decided he needed to take care of her and so he got a job at the local school where he got to tutor children. At the age of 18 Cartier applied to a university and got accepted, excited he hurried home to show his mother. He was excited since his older brother had already been off to college two years ago and this would be his first accomplishment. Cartier fumbled with the door handle before the shaped wood gave in and cracked open. The house was dead silent, he checked all the rooms and finally there his mother was sleeping on her bed. He placed the acceptance letter on her dresser for her to find when she wakes up, the time is 12pm. Cartier stepped out to enjoy the day, hangout with friends, and grab some food to eat. The time was now 8pm the moon had claimed the land so that means it is time to head home after all that fun. He reached home after seeing his two friends that he loved to hangout with, excited to tell his mother about his day she still lie asleep in her bed. Her body has gone cold and the owls called out through the night for her, Cartier's mother was meeting back up with Ferdinand. Months passed by, Cartier never went to school and lived in the same pair of clothing with just enough money to get him clean and some bread daily. He never got to show his mother what he had accomplished or put up a fight against his father. A hatred grew inside the young man that he did not know how to rid of.
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