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Everything posted by SeptemberDreamer

  1. Ilythrra was adopted by Urricea and Alinar Wynrieth at a very young age and grew up in Elvenesse's capital city of Amaethea. She has two older brothers and one younger. Garrik, Tannyll, and Orrian respectively. Orrian is the only child her parents ever had, Garrik and Tannyll also being adopted. Her childhood was fairly uneventful, as she and her family lived a pretty quiet life. She was a loner as a child, her only friends being her siblings. She is the closest with Tannyll, bonding over being the middle children. Ilythrra grew up loving music and painting, both of which were taught by her mother. Her father made his living making and selling jewlery. Ilythrra spent much of her time being creative, whether that be painting, playing music, or jewlery-making. She's always been interested in blacksmithing, but never had the opportunity to pursue it. She has never been particularly family-driven, not having any desire for children of her own, curse or no curse. Ilythrra is only now starting to make her way in the world, finally leaving home to discover her place in the world.
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