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Character Profile

  • Character Name
    Vestia Rosier
  • Character Race
    High Elf
  1. teensyghost


    Vestia Rosier is the daughter of two High Elves. Her father is a Mali'thill and a combat medic that would end up working in the Haelunorian Clinic. He has fought in several wars, most recently in the War of Two Emperors. Her mother, was a Mali'aheral, mixed with Wood Elf blood. She abandoned her life as a Druid Guide in the Druidic Order to be with Vestia's father. Vestia knew she had dreamed of becoming an Archdruid. Her mother eventually found the pressures of living in The Silver City to be too much and she eventually fled back to her home, abandoning her daughter and husband. After her mother left, Vestia's father moved them away from The Silver City and to the space of land between Urguan and Haelun'or. There, they had built a small shop together where they lived for the last thirty-five years. Vestia wasn't able to learn magic before leaving the city, and simply processed orders while her father healed people. She did observe his healing techniques and has a proficient knowledge of first-aid. She was content there until the shop was robbed by bandits a decade ago. They assaulted her, traumatizing the younger elf. She spent the following decade afraid to leave the house, keeping her father close and demanding to be brought along for his trips to the city from then on. Now, she's grown from those fears. She no longer requires her father's close eye and has requested to leave for The Mother Grove. Vestia's mother never talked about her life as a Druid Guide. Whenever Vestia spoke of learning from her, her mother always reminded her that she would have to go back to The Mother Grove if she wanted to learn- and Vestia has decided she wants to. Maybe they'll run into each other.
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