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Everything posted by vonschizzle

  1. vonschizzle


    Born in the outskirts of Haense on a small farm run by her Father, she has grown up being the eldest of 4 siblings. Her 3 younger brothers have always being agents of chaos around the farm, so she naturally took on a parental role, especially as her mother was frail and stayed in bed most days of her childhood, which caused her to subsequently become closer to her Father. He would take her on his daily rounds and teach her the ways of the farm which, as her family viewed men and women as equal, she would one day inherit instead of her younger brothers. Over the years of her childhood, she was taught how to improve crop's yield, how to look after the animals of the farm, and on her 10th birthday her father gifted her a hunting knife, which she kept by her side every day since. Growing up, she was an introverted child and mostly kept to herself, but would always join the village children in the summer-time berry picking. They would make jams and pies and on the Summer Solstice the village would eat them together at barovifest and praise Godan to bless the harvest. As her Mother grew sicker in her later teenage years, Delilah was told she should seek marriage, and her mother's approval was bestowed upon the neighbouring farm's boy. She like his curly blonde hair and his charismatic personality that was unlike her own and was able to break through her cold exterior. However, he did not love her, and was instead in love with the town beauty. She was heartbroken, but what further broke her was her Father's injury on a Boar hunt, which caused him to have a limp. Over the further months, she watched as her childhood idol grew frustrated and withdrew from her. She was left to do the chores she had shadowed, raise her younger siblings, keep the farm going, making her weekly Karosgrad to stock up on as much as she could afford, and watched as her past love married someone else.
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