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Jaeger West

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Everything posted by Jaeger West

  1. Jaeger West


    Nathaniel was born to a loving household south of Varhelm. His father was a cartographer and his mother was an amutuer nurse, both of which were human. They had traveled through most of the land, charting anything of major importance and helping any strangers in need of care. His parents were extremely supportive of their son and would constantly encourage his wild dreams of becoming someone big. Once Nathaniel had turned the age eleven, his father had become extremely ill. His mother had tried everything she could, but his spirit eventually gave out. His mother had essentially given up on traveling and settled down outside of Karosgrad, where she would assist with any medicinal needs of the townsfolk and farmers nearby. Growing up there wasn’t all that bad for a child. It was peaceful and had provided Nathaniel with food in his stomach. He learned Haeseni Chess with the local elders to pass the time and sometimes walked around with the local guards on their post. As Nathaniel grew up, he wanted more from his life. He wasn't quite sure what he wanted to achieve yet, but he knew it wasn't owning a farm. The young man decided to venture off to wilderness and seek his own path, unknowing of the path ahead.
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