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Everything posted by LadyNorse

  1. LadyNorse


    You’ve just arrived in a swampy, dim town. As you look around, your gaze is met with shacks and cabins. It smells of rotted wood and wet moss. You duck and step into a tattered tent, illuminated by a series of candles suspended in the air. At the back of the tent, an old hag raises her head, “What brings you to this dingy town? she begins, then pauses to study your face—”Ah, it’s you. I’ve been expecting you. Sit,” she gestures at a cushion, “Tell me your story.” "Oh, okay.." The young female would look nervous but would offer a small smile to the woman whilst she gently sat on the cushion, carefully trying not to crease it. "Well.. my name is Asteria Bell. I'm from Bramblebury, in Elvenesse." Asteria would let out a small, quiet sigh. "I love it there, so so much. It's my home, my life. I lived in a beautiful oak tree along side my Mother and Father, as well as my three older brothers, all as protective just as you would imagine." She'd let out a small laugh, showing she'd love her bothers very dearly. "My family and I would care most for the creatures we shared the woodlands with. My father and I would spend our days caring for hurt or sick animals, fixing their broken homes, allowing them to stay in ours until they have a place of their own. My mother would make bedding for the creatures, if they were small they could stay in our home, our tree was constantly filled with animals! If they were larger ones however, my mother built loads of huts and pens out back, so they could live comfortably there whilst we fixed their homes, or were finding them homes to live forever in. I hope to be doing this for the rest of my life, helping animals is my passion.." She'd smile sincerely, she truly did love her job. "However.. as much as I adore Bramblebury, I know that village inside and out. I know I will never be fully satisfied in life unless I see what else is out there. I want to help animals everywhere, I want to see everywhere, y'know?" Asteria did not wait for a response until she continued, "And as close to my family as I am, they were kind of my only friends.." She'd cringe hearing herself finally admitting this aloud. "I suppose I'm rather shy and reserved, I'm sure you noticed I'm not the loudest elf in the village, nor the most energetic, so this resulted in me finding it very difficult to form friendships, I guess you could say my biggest fear is rejection... however, I want this to change!" she spoke with ambition and confidence now. "I want beings to meet me for how I am now, rather than how I was back then!" She stopped, suddenly feeling like she has been speaking for too long. "So er.. what do you have to drink around here..?"
  2. LadyNorse


    Elvira was born in a rustic oak tree in the high forest. Her parents are Ebony Evergreen and Elizac Evergreen. Her mother was a spellsinger and her father was a wardancer. When Elvira was born she was small and weak, like most babies are... but as the years went on, she remaind to be small and weak... just a bit taller😅 Elviras childhood was relatively normal, she would dance in the daisies with her mother, and go swimming in the lake with her father. Although unlike the other children her age, Elvira was abosorbed with books. Whilst the children were out in the local school grounds playing, or making daisy chains, or fighting with sticks, Elvira was sat on a rock alone, reading. Her parents had tried to give Elvira a sibling, to maybe make her more social with the other children, but unfortunatly Ebony (Elviras mother) was unable to do so, so Elvira being their one and only child, they spoiled her with books beyond books, filling her with knowledge and wisdom that even and old elf would not posses. As Elvira grew older things did not change. She was still into her books, her parents were retired, but still were the loveable parents, and things were as normal as ever. Although things weren't normal. Elvira felt as if something was missing. A whole in her life. She spent everyday doing the same routine, yet for some reason everything felt off. All these years her parents have been so supportive, but she felt like it was almost...wrong? As of they were possibly hiding something...? Elvira knew she was just thinking gibberish but she new she was different, but she didn't know how. She decided to go to the bookshelf in her home (her parents basically built a mini library in their cottage, considering how much Elvira adored books) just to look around for something...odd. She started scramping around for something... anything! And then she found in. It wasn't much, a small piece of paper, it said nothing but an location. Elvira knew that if she wanted to find out who she was and what her parents were possibly keeping from her, she needed to go there.
  3. LadyNorse


    Elvira has pale skin, almost like snow. Her hair is black as coal, yet wavy and long. Her eyes are a shade of light red. She has gold jewelry almost everywhere, her ears have gold long earings, her neck as a long thick gold chain, and her fingers have multiple gold rings. Her hair is in a half up half down hairdo with pale pink roses placed in it. Her attire is a a short silk dress, with a green corset. She is an high elf. Her parents passed away when she was young so she was taken in from one of the most respected high elf family there is. There she trained, and read, and made created some wonderful magic. Elvira had no siblings nor friends. She is a massive loner so she spend her days reading, or casting spells instead of making friendships. Although she was beautiful of face, she felt ugly on the instead as whenever someone approached her, she'd block them off completely. She adores animals, and if not reading her usual books, or casting her usual spells, she's with them. Elvira may be one of the most powerful high elf's there is, but because of her ant-social personality, no one exactly realises. She is still so young, and has a face of a child, which makes of people underestimate her and doubt her, but she knows how powerful she really is.
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