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Everything posted by veronicapirates

  1. veronicapirates


    Arthus is the continuation of a long bloodline dating all the way back to Adria. He was born during FA 1756 to his father - who primarily contracted as a horseman, and his overbearing mother. Oren was his place of birth, and the adventurer's itch was never scratched by Arthus. He's rarely travelled out of Oren lest there was mina involved. His older brother Luc' was Arthus's salvation. Luc' entered his rebellious phase at just the right time for Arthus to watch as his brother quickly became more and more uncontrollable and impulsive. Eventually, Luc' was disowned by their father, who returned home early enough one night to find Luc' in the process of stealing mina from his nightstand. From that day on, Arthus's parents had instilled a fear of disorder onto him. A fear that the unconditional love his parents claimed would become conditional should he be enough of an inconvenience. As he grew, his parents would only reinforce that fear by threatening it whenever Arthus got too out of line. Arthus simply grew to relish in discipline and order, having almost an instinctual habit to do so. As his years went by, he enlisted in the local militia, what he's told to by his superiors and always making an effort to exceed their expectations, it's truly what he prides himself with.
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