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Character Profile

  • Character Name
    Estel Tirnel
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  1. wist3riarain


    Having been born in the city of Karinah’siol, to a high female elf, Theriadel Mirior, and a male wood elf, Lumornor Tirnel, Estel Tirnel was born between two diverging cultures. Lumornor loved Theriadel with everything he had, and their daughter just as much, but he had duties of war and armory to deal with, therefore he concurred with his lover that she should take their daughter and live a peaceful life amongst her kin in Karinah'siol. Though he kept in touch through letter, and would visit as often as he could, he was absent for much of his daughter's early life as he could not lay to rest his love for heroics. Like her mother, she was raised pristinely, taught mannerisms and customs at a young age. Here she gained her love for knowledge and the furthering of her mind. Theriadel raised her daughter for most of her youth in Karinah’siol, spending these years exploring the languages and lives of the world around her through her mother's teachings and elaborate collection of books. This continued until the age of fourteen, when Theriadel mysteriously disappeared one Winter's eve. Estel was then brought to her father's home settlement of Siramenor to live alongside him. It had been only a three months since last Lumornor had seen Theriadel and Estel, but through all time spent on noble acts, he had missed the most important of all; the upcoming of his own daughter, the missed occasions to be with his lover, and, was ultimately blind to her unfortunate and mysterious disappearance. He vowed not only to keep Estel alive and well, but swore that his mind would not rest until he had closure of what had happened to Theriadel. Desperate to keep hold the last piece of his lover he had, Lumornor kept extremely careful watch of Estel for the years to come. Though he was often overbearing, he was able to teach Estel more of the customs of his people, and of the nature they so admired. She fell in love with her father's culture, following him in her devotion to Aspectism. As she grew older, he would teach Estel all things she would use in her adventures in the future. From how to build a fire, to wielding weapons and combat skills, as well as each creature and the respectives of it. After years of training, Lumornor cautiously began to let his eager daughter join him on his ventures. Here, she found her purpose in life may in fact be similar to her father's; the justice and helping of the helpless. It took many pleas before Lumornor allowed his daughter to volunteer to lead a small group of familiar wood elves on a miniscule adventure. This adventure, though small, would prove meaningful, negatively and positively to Estel. After she had and her three followers, whom she had grown quite close with, set up camp for the night, she had gone to find a nearby river in hopes of figuring out where they were. When she returned, she found her companions slaughtered. This deeply scarred her, and after running home to her father in tears, he had proposed that maybe this was not the path for her. Though still, (and maybe it was because of her mother's disappearance, and that she would wish it on no other,) she pleaded with him that she must continue training, and that their deaths would not be meaningless. She would avenge them, and her mother, through helping others if she could. This brings us to where she stands now, as a still young, yet now hardened and skilled elf maiden.
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