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Everything posted by Baisus

  1. Baisus


    Born in near Sutica in 1798 Malva grew up sorrounded by a very loving family. They were practically nomads as their ancestral home in Dunshire was abandoned long ago when the halflings. and most of their relatives prefered to wander around. Her family was pretty religious so they constantly, building several shrines to the Pumpkin Lord and the Potato Lord even when other halflings frowned upon the worship of Billy Bob. This made her family straight even further away from other comunities and settle deeper into the forest but near enough a road to still sell their farmed goods, or at least the ones they were able to farm because near the zones they settled the soil was never wet enough, soft enough or just not deep enough. Her parents often talked to their kids about the great cities and the great settlements that halflings lived in and how some of them even got to join the Druids, which made Melva excited about traveling just like her brothers, who traveled in look for better soil and other halflings to live with and learn from. Most of the time they just returned drunk or with empty hands. Melva decided that when she grew up she would join the Druids, as she believed that that, and a Pumpking lord sighting, were the biggest honors a Halfling could live through. And once she was one of them she would be able to help her family out and maybe reach out to more halflings and create another Halfling exclusive town, like the ones she dreamed of. When her first brother dissapeared they were still looking for the perfect soil to grow a farm. Her parents started realizing that maybe it was time for her to learn to help around their settlement and she was taught basic abilities such as farming and fishing while her older brothers often traveled away to find good soil or a nice town. One by one they left to never return, and her parents often starter to be gloomier and gloomier, they spent all day at the farm and never had time to teach Melva anymore. As a way to cope with her new found lonelyness she turned to cooking, she quickly realized she was good at it and used her talents to sell bowls of food to travelers near the family's settlement to try to help her parents . Her parents worried for her well being as she spent days at a time near the forest cooking in open fires, and sent her to her relatives in Brandybrook, where they quickly took her in and taught her even more dishes to help her get a work near any of the shops in the docks, where the family sold their farmed goods . She now spends her days near the docks, wishing to go back into the forest and having her own adventure and find out what happened to her siblings, but too nervous to step outside the village alone, but missing her parents dearly, the ones that now live in search of their lost children and often come into town to stock up on food and check upon her daughter.
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