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Everything posted by KarrotKake

  1. KarrotKake


    Kaius was raised in a land across the sea in the household of a wealthy merchant and his wife who had settled down with a handsome sum for quite an early retirement. He enjoyed many luxuries including a privileged education with some of the finest scholars and tutors in his country. His life was happy and comfortable, if a bit sheltered. He spent the ides of his youth living the life most men dream they will achieve in the afterlife. He loved his schooling, his friends, and family. Most of all, however, he loved his faith. Through the teachings of what his people called The Illuminary he learned to do away with all of his selfish urges and devote his life to the wellbeing of others. So pious was he that, at the age of 18, he became a cleric of his faith and spent two years training under the tutelage of a master. He served his position faithfully and honorable for two years when he first became aware of his place in the world. On a mercy mission to an impoverished town that had suffered a terrible famine, he began talking with its people. He learned of their woes and their struggles, many of which were visited upon them by their own liege lord. This was a culture shock for Kaius. He realized that people all over the world were living like this every day of their lives. They never knew full bellies or warm homes in the winter, they only knew suffering punctuated by brief and fleeting moments of relief. Frustrated by the corruption and spurred on by his oath to do good, he set out to help those poor folk the best he could. He found, quickly, however that nothing he could possibly think of would be of any real use to them. He was not like them, he knew nothing of their ways. He knew very little of any way other than his own, and that perturbed him. In the spring of his twenty-third year he vowed to make a pilgrimage to another land. There, he would begin what would be years of study to fill his mind with as much knowledge as he could that might help him better understand the world and how to make it a better place. He decided to travel across the sea, to a place he knew nothing of and whose language he barely spoke to begin. There he would have no help, no influence, and only a small purse to his name to survive on. In this way he would have nothing but his own virtues and skills to rely on, and he would have to learn valuable lessons to overcome whatever adversity came his way.
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