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Everything posted by EllisGrey

  1. EllisGrey


    When Ellis Grey was born, she was born with a rare genetic defect that made her hair split down the middle. I was born in Renelia and I was my parents first child and only child. Childhood was good, her parents were very loving and cared very much for her. Her parents never wanted her to grow up like they did, their parents were run away elves from the times they were slaves. She hadn't gotten to hear much about it, they keep that past on lockdown. Ellis grew up just as normal elves did but had always wondered what it would be like to learn more of the past. In her family they really didn't talk about the hardships of what they overcame in the past and Ellis was to shy to go up and ask anyone even whilst attending school. There was always that nagging feeling deep down that there was more that she was supposed to know but she never knew how to quench that thought. She didn't have many friends growing up, her best friend Olivia is still really her only friend. She has many acquaintances but none that she would call her friend. She went to school to be a history buff, she wants to teach everyone about the past even when it's taboo to do so, it's what made them, them. She is currently still in school and will be done in 2 more years where she hopes she gets to teach the young about the overcoming of the older elves and how they got to be where they are now without losing their roots.
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