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Everything posted by EllaCalanie

  1. EllaCalanie


    Jaxina Pao was born in the kingdom of Norland, surrounded by a loving family who welcomed her with a warm embrace. She grew up amongst practicers of the Red Faith and had the privilege to learn how to read and write during her upbringing. At the age of 16, however, Jaxina dropped out of school to start working. She got hired at the docks and spent most of her youth loading and unloading goods. When 18 years old, Jaxina met a girl arriving with one of the ships and she instantly fell in love. After a while they were inseparable and even moved out together so, naturally, they agreed to marry each other. However, this promise withered away once Jaxina heard the news that her father had died in an accident. She immediately decided to go visit her family, leaving her fiancee at home, unaware of what had happened. This escalated into a big argument which led to the marriage being called off and Jaxina being alone. A year passed, but she couldn't get over the loss of the two most important people in her life, so she decided to start over somewhere new; the Druidic order and to settle down in Talus Grove to begin studying druidism.
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