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Liam Rexius

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Everything posted by Liam Rexius

  1. Liam Rexius


    Originally from the kingdom of Haense, Bradford Belgrass' sole goal in life is to end up nowhere near where his parents ended up in life. Raised by an apprentice tailor as his father and a maid of his mother, Bradford Belgrass lived just above squalor for all of his life. Always envious of the other children, even the children of other merchants who got to play rather than help their parents with work. Ever since the age that he was able to understand his situation in life, he vowed to change it not just for him, but for his future children. Once he was old enough to work as a deck hand, Bradford left home without so much as a hug goodbye to his family. He never cared much for home, and the Church of the Canon irked him for whatever reason, so he decided it would be best to leave an area so focused on it. In his mind, his parents had never had anything to give him, even if they had wanted to, so he owed them nothing. From the ages of 15-20, he ran the shipping route from Haenes to The Silver State of Haelun'or jumping from ship to ship, learning as many odd talents as he could from everyone he could. His general plan for obtaining "the good life" is to start a tavern on the way between cities, meet as many influential people as he can, and pursue opportunities from there. When he grew older, he began expanding his trade routes to other cities, most notably Sutica and Talon's Port. On his travels, he talked with other sailors and became fascinated with the creation of spirits and distilling. There is a spot just outside the city near a spring that he has his eyes on, and he's currently trying to find a way to gain the favor of Sovereign Gail Cordius in order to achieve a land grant. Bradford is a charismatic and manipulative man with very little of a moral compass. Anything he can do to raise his station is on the table, and several times he has engaged in smuggling on his route from Haense on Haelun'or. He is relatively light on his feet, and quick thinking. He plans on taking the world for all that he can get, and he hopes his future children realize what he tried to do for them, and don't blame him for his sins.
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