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Posts posted by HearsayofHansetiRuska


    The fifth liftstala season continues.



    The Hearsay of Hanseti-Ruska

    Edition XVI

    Tov ag Yermey, 445 ES


    With the fifth lifstala season well underway, my doves have been hard at work with reporting every hushed conversation amongst the courts, whispering in my ear of the ongoing pairings for this years era of love and devotion. Continue on, dear reader, and feast your eyes upon the scandals of the year.




    With the season of love having started but a few months ago, we have already been graced with a number of topics to discuss. One of the most prevalent, in my most humble opinion, is of the Ruskan Rose. For those unfamiliar with this tradition, the rose is chosen from the hundreds of debutantes that take part in the presentations, and is selected by the queen and her council. In the Ruskan Rose, they seek particular qualities, such as her demeanor, clothing, and how she presented herself before the court. 


    A stuttering, lisping mess would not be crowned the rose, for the women of our courts must hold themselves with dignity and composure. I was most surprised by the selection of women called forth by the crown as, in truth, most if not all of them failed to impress me. 




    Lady Mischa Lesanov was crowned the Ruskan Rose, and the apple of Prince Nikolas’ eye. This author predicts the two will eventually be conjoined in the tradition of courtship, having known each other for many, many years. While Manon de Falstaff is doing her best to tear the two apart, Lady Mischa and Prince Nikolas shared a dance soon after she was crowned the most eligible bachelorette of the season.


    She answered the questions of the crown with enviable eloquence, her gowns tailored to flatter her form, and stitched in traditional Raev design. 




    Lady Ada Colborn, the heiress to Bethlenen, confidently strolled down the crimson carpets of the prikaz adorned in armor. Her attire, in my opinion, was both extremely brazen and completely boring. One would have thought that if she were to take the unconventional route of presenting in plate, that she would perhaps then do something rather extraordinary with her hair, or her makeup, or her mannerisms. Is her greatest accomplishment simply the fact she’s different from the rest of the women in the court?


    Where is her drive? Her passion? Her ability to command the attention of all in the same room as her? I simply wish that she would have demanded more excitement from the courts, as there were surely a number of ways she could further impress the crown and secure the title of Ruskan Rose. Perhaps she was not chosen because while the Queen and her council were deliberating, she was amongst the stands causing havoc, stirring up disruption amongst the courts and aptly placing unfair blame onto Her Royal Majesty for disallowing a latecomer to debut. 




    Lady Franziska vas Ruthern has been absent from court for many, many years, and has only made her return following the death of her mother. She’s a dark horse, that is for certain, and little is known of her - besides the fact she encourages the bad habits of the Princess Royal, and appears to share her inclination towards a private party in the powder rooms of the prikaz. Not just five saints days ago she was spotted deliberately falling during a dance with the young acolyte, Iosif Basrid. One must wonder, is she simply a creature of incoordination, or did she want to be held by the dashing young gentleman known for being good with his hands. 


    Before the season began, Lady Franziska made her grand entrance into the social circles of the court by debuting in the Reinmar joust. She unhorsed almost every opponent, riding with speed, strength, and utmost accuracy. Unfortunately, whatever beginner’s luck she had managed to accrue soon wore thin, and she was thrown from her steed by the Grand Prince of Kusoraev, who then began to pay her particular attention. Is she a lady of the courts, or is she a man in dames clothing?




    To be a woman of unlanded nobility is an unfortunate position to be in, especially an unlanded noble of a foriegn nation to the one you house yourself in. Manon de Falstaff, ‘The Doxy of Guise’, is one such woman. For many years I have observed the air of desperation that has clung to her like a shadow of contempt, eating away at every word, every gesture, and every smile she offers. Relentlessly, she has pursued Prince Nikolas, stating multiple times in childhood how she wishes to wed him, how she desires to be princess-consort, and when confronted with these accusations - she crosses her arms and with a huff, states her most closest confidants are liars!


    My doves are ever observant, however, and have recently heard of a conversation in the halls of the Prikaz between our very own Princess Royal, and the Ruskan Rose, Lady Mischa Lesanov. Lady Mischa crossly confided in the Princess Royal how Manon had told her she held no romantic feelings for Prince Nikolas, only to then, days later (conveniently after Prince Nikolas had begun to show an interest in the rose of the season) admit to her that she was still vying for the title of consort. 


    Her efforts don’t end there, with Manon having turned her attention to her second choice, Duke Valdemar Baruch. She has truly no shame, and it saddens this author to see two titled men of the peerage fawned over so obsessively by a woman with little other to offer them than some very strange looking children, because surely, there is very little substance to her character bar the fact she is ‘not like other women’. It is exhausting to keep up with, her thoughts and feelings are as fickle as the weather. Duke Valdemar must feel so humiliated for having been played such a fool by the de Falstaff madam, he wasn’t and still isn’t even her first choice! 




    A source that is remaining anonymous has graced the writer with a most compelling and conflicting story reflecting a certain Ruthern. Aleksandr vas Ruthern, noted as a favored and vigorously admired member of Haense society. Perhaps popularity is not everything, seeing as it has only landed him in a most ponderous position on behalf of my dove’s astute nature. One should watch how they carry themselves in the air of the public and the courts, for the writer is always there spontaneously watching. 


    Our very own Princess Royal and Aleksandr vas Ruthern, whomst we all thought were such an enderating and loveable pairing, are coming to blows regarding the nature of the male Ruthern. Perhaps it runs in the family and he is his father’s son! To start off on this section, he has become unnervingly close to that of another Princess, Octavia Helen. During her debut at the start of the season, he was seen gazing longingly at her as she waltzed down the carpets of the halls. Feasibly, one could play this off as just a severe admiration of her garbs and aura, but his so-called ‘admiration’ did not cease there. Octavia Helen was given her own private quarters in the keep of Vidaus, multiple sources telling the writer that Aleksandr vas Ruthern was the culprit behind her move to the keep. Does Aleksandr need an eye test as briskly as possible? Or perhaps he is accustomed to the rank of a Princess within his company and cannot tell the two apart. 


    Not even a few saint’s day later, Aleksandr was seen with yet another woman. How surprising… This time the Doxy of Guise! As if his standards could plummet even further into the soil. On this special occasion of his, it was in the form of a house call. It is said by a source that they spent a considerable amount of time with each other, smiling and laughing contentedly as they did so. 


    The Princess Royal, Analiesa Josefina, finally confronted him about these disgusting arrangements and actions. It is known that Her Highness felt a severe feeling of disheartenment and shame towards Aleksandr vas Ruthern, and even went as far as to accuse him of cheating and passing attention to other women! The writer feels as though the Ruthern should be ashamed of himself, and that it will take many weeks or perhaps months to earn the trust of the Princess once more. 




    It has become apparent from multiple, reliable sources that the streets of Karosgrad are seemingly covered in snow these past few weeks, and the Princess Royal has taken an unusual liking to its white nature. Frequently spotted at social gatherings disappearing in command with her handmaidens to powder her nose, returning somewhat perplexed and wide eyed. Is our beloved Princess starting to become out of control with her latest ascension to the duty of Princess Royal, and are its tedious hours and details becoming too overwhelming? 


    No one seemed to stand up to Her Serene Highness within a recent turmoil of behavior - she has converted towards a demeanor of severe negativity. One defied this at the second part of the debuts, and all of the court was present to witness this controversial spectacle. Anne Marie Novellen-Kaphro made her shameful debut towards the throne room, sporting a dress with a split so high that many could see abstract limbs on display. In the presence of children!


    Nonetheless, the Novellen proves to bring disgrace on an already unfavorable house, as if such could dive any further into the ground. Our very own unmanageable Princess Royal observed this as a challenge, spewing a shrewd comment about the lewdness of her attire. With no thought behind the Novellen’s words, she was rapid to speak her own thoughts, to which Analiesa simply responded with a prominent line. “Some art is cheaper than others.”  Such fierce intent from our very own. One would think the Novellen would be silenced. Anne Marie did not adhere, and their bickering continued droning onwards. 


    The bottom line of this category is that the Princess Royal is not one that is easily tamed or challenged - and this series of events proves just how unhinged she has become in the last few weeks. As the people, we are concerned for her. May the wellbeing of Her Highness begin to take a turn in the positive direction, and long live the crown. 




    To debut before the crown is the biggest day of a young lady's life, and for Emelie de Falstaff, this is no exception. Having lived in our courts for many years as a refugee alongside her sisters, Emelie is a brazen little mare, with the resilience of a brick wall. She must possess a grandiose sense of self-importance to so casually dismiss the arrangements made for her by the Queen and her council, forgoing her allotted time slot on the first day of presentations to instead go gallivanting around the countryside in search of curiosities and forgotten knick-knacks. 


    After having purposefully evaded her only opportunity to debut in the opening of Lifstala, Lady Emelie then stormed into the courts on the second day of presentations, disrupting the Queen's attempt to deliberate with her council upon the Ruskan Rose. She demanded their time, and that they cease in their hopes of leaving the dais, performing lackluster tricks of changing colors in order to grasp as much attention as humanly possible. Such was very clearly her attempt to circumvent the prior decision given to her by the Queen, one stating that if she were not to attend her specified date of debut, she would not be allowed to step before the courts whatsoever, a fact that was reiterated by the Princess Royal, and one interrupted by the incessant squawking of Elia Colborn. 


    With the Colborn’s interjection and plea, the courts were aroused with a fiery countenance never seen before. The Mistress of the Robes herself stoked the flames, alongside Lady Ada Colborn, and Lady Elia Colborn (who, for some reason unknown to me, dramatically stormed from the throne room in floods of tears). In the end, this tactless interruption of the season's arguably most important event, was for the pointless presentation of a kokoshnik. 


    Our Lady Emelie de Falstaff needs a lesson in timing. 




    To be a mistress of the wardrobe and go out with a shameful dismissal is a rather embarrassing end for our very own Nikoleta Baruch, who has been a member of the Queen’s council for a favorable number of years. Her achievements were vast within the world of the wardrobe, producing an increased amount of modas for the Morrivi Prikaz courts which have influenced fashion today. Some may hypothesize that her strict rules around certain donning of particular items are over the top and unnecessary, much like her behavior in front of the entire courts. 


    Nikoleta Baruch took it upon herself to go against the final word of our beloved Queen several times in the case of Emelie’s deny of debut. One would already think such an act of revolting etiquette is disgusting, but her efforts definitely did not cease there. Oh no. The writer had to take a few minutes to digest the length of Nikoleta Baruch’s vile comments towards the Queen and the instigation of young minds against the Crown and court. Multiple atrocious phrases left the woman’s mouth during this incited riot. 


    “They are treating you ladies like dullards!” “This is unacceptable!” “Is this how you treat your people?”


    Among an array of other comments thrown within the crowds on that eventful day, these are the ones that stand out to the writer. One would think after a lifetime of popularly described as boring fashion rules and etiquette, our once very own Nikoleta Baruch would act with some more decorum about herself. Her actions did not transpire on for much longer as she was silenced by the Duke of Vidaus, where he firmly stated that she was fired from her duties and no longer a member of the courts. Rightfully so, as in these courts, actions do have consequences.


    Was this an act of desperation on behalf of the Duke? Perhaps he was frightful of the judgment being thrown around the courtroom before it trickled towards himself. Being in a strange spot at this moment in time, the Duke should tread rather carefully in his next moves. The writer believes this was a calculated move, yet a sneaky and self-centered one at that. 




    With the lifstala season steadily ongoing, this author has become something of a betting woman. With my doves, I observe, and with my observations - I come to conclusions. Written below are my most esteemed pairings for the fifth lifstala season, those who have made themselves so clearly known to my ever-watching eye, that is. 




    The Princess Royal and Baron of Rostig have been entwined together for some years now, and seem to either love or completely despise each other! It has been absolutely tiresome to keep up with, and I am a woman that has eyes and ears everywhere, constantly reporting to be the ongoings of this court. This couple, however, is one I simply cannot keep up with. They are hot, and then cold, up and then down - it sends my head on a swivel. 


    Recent words reach my ears, however, detailing the fact that the Princess and Lord have been denied permission to court by their Royal Majesties. One can only desire to have been a fly on the wall during the tense discussions between the Baron and the King, as the political tension between House Ruthern and the Crown has been more than apparent to any onlooking eye. One would have thought the King would have wished to bridge the gap between their two houses, not further cause it to deepen.




    Lady Franziska and His Grace, the Duke Valdemar, are a recent addition to my list, but one of my most favorite couples. Nudged together by the Princess Royal herself, these two have swiftly become a notable pairing around the courts of the Morivvi Prikaz, constantly embroiled in hushed conversations and sly smiles sent across the ballroom floor. The Duke has been relentlessly pursued by multiple women throughout his life, such as the twin sisters Ophelie and Manon de Falstaff, and drowned in the sea of debutantes this season. 


    The pair have been known to enjoy walks around the palace gardens, hunting alongside the Princess Royal and her associates, and - if my doves are correct, the Duke has even invited Lady Franziska to join him on a private sea voyage! How romantic, that he is opening up to her with one of his greatest passions; seafaring.




    Prince Nikolas and Lady Mischa have been a close pairing ever since childhood, tactfully avoiding the constant interference of Lady Manon. They have bonded over their love for the curiosities, and their adventurous spirits, two qualities which have led them to one another over and over again. 


    The Prince has shown an express interest in the Ruskan Rose ever since her appointment before the courts, asking her for her first and last dance at almost every occasion. My informants have also told me how the two have had multiple house calls, and exchanged extravagant gifts in order to display their affections. 




    Surprisingly, for once, the Ludovar family has once again been a popular topic in Karosgrad. Certainly not for any accomplishments, that’s undeniable, but rather a string of circumstances that reflect poorly on the current Countess of Otistadt, wherever the dullard may be. Word of the infamous dinner between the Ludovar and Ruthern family quickly spread throughout Haense, detailing a strange affliction that had taken hold of the ducal pairing and their children, one such disease that seemed to act swiftly and without mercy. 


    This author finds it most curious, how the Countess (who is known for her prevalent dislike of the Ruthern family, particularly Angelika vas Ruthern) visited the keep Druzstra, and then shortly after her departure… well, I shudder to put into words the details of their affliction - some of which our courtiers had the misfortune of witnessing at a session of the King’s royal court. It was a miserable sight to see, the young flaxen-haired bastards of Vidaus frothing at the mouth, collapsing to the floor from the stands - blood pooling at the bottom of their skull after a frightful fall. 


    Even after this display of utter ill-health, word has reached this author's ears of a particular rumor - one started by the Otistadt snake herself. The countess so confidently has accused (among her private circles) that it was instead the Ruthern brood who had attempted to poison her, having somehow slipped a concoction of sorts into her meal, only to suffer the brunt of the consequences themselves. I had thought I had heard everything after my years of writing this publication, dear reader, but that is perhaps the most ridiculous and unintelligent accusation I have had the displeasure of penning. 


    The Countess struggles to even keep her mutt of a husband on a leash (though, who can blame him, truly? A plain loaf of bread could offer more interesting conversation than Adele Ludovar), so do tell me, how is it we are to expect her to successfully hold the aulic position of High Justicar? How is it, when her husband has broken the law of fornication, that he has not yet been prosecuted? (Penance from the church is not enough. He has broken a law of Haense, and if the King expects her to prosecute the Duke Mikhail, then she is certainly expected to serve those same charges to her husband.) Why, tell me, is it that she is instead once again channeling all of the fury from her pathetic excuse of a marriage into destroying the Ruthern family? The only reason she swallowed her pride and went through with her marriage to Matyas Barbanov-Bihar is because she came to the sorry conclusion that, well… - nobody else would have her.


    I propose a slightly varied theory as to the events that occurred that fateful evening in Druzstra, and that is that Adele Ludovar finally decided to remove a thorn from her side - Angelika vas Ruthern, the constant reminder that she is a failure, and unwanted, and undesirable. This author speculates that it was instead the Countess Ludovar who attempted to poison the Vixen of Karosgrad, only to be left sorely disappointed when the hexeress was not in attendance. Not only did she potentially plan to murder the hexeress in this private setting, but now with the excuse of ‘returning moral integrity’ to our nation, she has discussed executing her - stating such plainly to the Duchess of Vidaus.


    For shame, Adele. For shame. It seems you will go to any lengths to enact your revenge, even going so far as to abuse your station as High Justicar to do so. Do excuse my tardiness in writing about such a topic, as with the lifstala season, I have been preparing my doves to report every whisper, every lustful glance, and every unchaperoned visit. 


    Since this topic had been broached in Haense, our king personally intervened, accepting the Duke of Vidaus’ penance and refuting all attempts to charge him. 



    Be wary, dear reader, my eyes and ears are everywhere. Until next time.





    And so it continues.




    The Hearsay of Hanseti-Ruska

    Edition XIV

    Tov ag Yermey, 431 ES



    For ten long years the people of Karosgrad have gone without my writings. Rejoice, dear reader, for you shall wait no longer! Truthfully, until now, the goings-on of the Kingdom and her nobility have been dreadfully dry. Have you truly no desire for entertainment, Lords and Ladies? Do pick it up, I find it hard to believe any man or woman could be born so bland. 


    I must offer my thanks to Her Majesty for recognizing the value of this most esteemed publication, and taking myself and my companion into her care. I do wonder if the boors of this kingdom will find it so easy to make threats upon my person, now a prestigious member of the Queen's Council. My birdies await.





    As this writer looked out upon the square, full of plump children and faces much too grey during these times of summer revelry, who should one spy but a face known to all from bounty posters and salacious gossip! The rowdy Angelika vas Ruthern has returned to Karosgrad, a baggage train in tow! This writer simply cannot help but inform their readers that the former Hexer has taken up residence in the heart of the Nikirala Palace, and, to the surprise of none, just so happens to sleep below the Royal Bedchamber. I do wonder whose idea that could have been. Certainly not Her Majesty’s.


    For of course, last I wrote of the hexer-harlot she had ensnared not one, but two men of the House of Barbanov. She notoriously stole a kiss with a young Karl III and certainly quite a bit more with the now Count-Consort of Otisdadt. Has she, in the Queen’s absence, sought to rekindle a lost love? Or perhaps the invitation was extended by His Majesty himself. In either case, I expect most interesting times shall lay ahead for our beloved royal family, as the Queen has finally returned.





    For this new segment, one which shall surely be recurring with the recent growth in the food industry in Karosgrad, it is prudent that I introduce myself: The Baron of Taste. Years and years of culinary experiences are what have brought me to this point, both of the food I have tasted, and the food that I have made myself. It is my aspiration to give a truthful and genuine review of every restaurant or food server within this Kingdom, for which I have joined forces with the Hearsay.


    Today, we shall look at Alban’s Family Diner. While this restaurant has yet to open, the owner and head chef, Matyas Alban, has allowed myself the prime opportunity to taste some of his food ahead of time, which was delivered to me by servants so that I may retain my anonymity. We will preface this by saying that it will come to be seen whether the restaurant can live up to this review.


    The food that Alban’s Family Diner serves varies, though the general theme of the restaurant is that the main dish consists of a sliced bun, filled with various things, though mostly commonly a beef patty, along with vegetables. We were delivered a Grand Otistadt Menu as the menu dubbed it. It were an elegantly sliced bun, along with a well-cooked beef patty wrapped in the finest bacon, surrounded by two different condiments, the top a sweet tomato-colored one, and the bottom a white thick and creamy one. Inside was also lettuce, tomatoes, diced onions, and cheese. It added to a magnificent taste when it entered one’s month, and every bite was truly savoured. That is not to neglect the sides that came with fine strips of potatoes, which were given dipping similar to the condiments inside of the burger, as well as these small breaded balls with melted cheese inside.


    It was, in total, an excellent taste experience, with I, the Baron of Taste, rated to be a solid 8.9 on my scale.




    With fussing and crying galore, our oversized toddler of a Princess is at it once more! This author believed her to have outgrown the infantile outbursts of her youth, though it seems I was sorely mistaken. Can one blame her, though? Surely, it must be maddening to live as the firstborn of a King, yet never truly holding the title of Princess Royal. Regardless, I am told that in the past Saint’s Week she threw a tantrum, stomping her feet and frothing at the mouth … over a free haircut! The Princess shouted up a storm when Ser Grigori Vyronov, a most prestigious man of the Marian Retinue, dared to trim her son’s overgrown locks. Not only did she whine and complain, but she had the audacity to threaten the Ser with hired brigands. Why? Only the Princess knows, for no sane woman would bite the proverbial hand which feeds them. There are not many men of the Marian Retinue, Princess, each of them are invaluable to you, and your safety. Restrain yourself, for it is truly embarrassing. 




    This author has caught wind of a most troubling rumour indeed. What has come of our Kingdom, where the nobility so openly partake in sinful debauchery? Approximately seven men of high standing, including two Sers and our King himself, broke into the bedchambers of Duke Mikahil of Vidaus to smoke. The room supposedly reeked of cactus green, and a scantily clad woman with bare shoulders and two great assets sat casually among the party.


    The King and his entourage made quite the mess of the newly furnished room, leaving sweat and pools of tobacco-laden vomit throughout it. One does wonder why a ruler would abuse the hospitality of his vassals so brazenly. This author prays our King shall mature in time. 



    From adultery within agentry to childish squabbles, there seems to have been quite a few mishaps that have occurred before the Kingdom’s eyes. Though, even more unfortunately for those involved; before my own eyes.


    Be wise about your next move, dearest readers. I am always lurking.



    Ink put onto parchment, where the hands shakily dismantle the deception in our court. As with previous editions, my address is afforded.


    [OOC: Discord HearsayOfHaense#1132]


    And so it continues.




    The Hearsay of Hanseti-Ruska

    Edition XI

    Tov ag Yermey, 418 ES



    While the city remains swarmed with gossip and drama, our little birdies have been sending us letters and spreading their wings inconspicuously. Many a story has passed by during these long and cold Haeseni months, though never forget that this author will always be here to scratch our readers’ itch with our own secret gossip and scandal report.





    Now, I’d give out a penny to any who remembers the new Amador patriarch’s wedding -- or any who have seen him since! Baron Filip Amador has simply withdrawn himself from society. In a flurry of newlywed bliss? Perhaps. Their wedding caused ripples of concern amongst the guests present, as the new Amador-Consort, Princess Petyrsa Henrietta, took it upon herself to announce that she would not take the name Amador at the very altar. Her husband, oblivious, was taken quite by surprise. This reluctance to associate with Amador surely translates to her reluctance to integrate in the Haeseni lifestyle, and her attempts to lead Lord Filip astray are evident. The Amador patriarch would surely be wise to read over their marriage contract with a scrupulous eye… to assure nothing else was foregone in their discussions. Perhaps a matrilineal marriage is marked in small print, or other swindling clauses!  




    It would seem the House of Vyronov has pulled itself from its death throes, for a few promising young upstarts have thrust themselves into the Haeseni scene. The young Lukas, accompanied by Lord Eugen Barclay, faced off against a gaggle of foreign fiends seeking to steal His Majesty’s subjects for their own lord. In the square of Karosgrad they fought many duels in quick succession, faltering only once in the face of overwhelming odds. Such a display of gallantry from the Vyronov, noble of heart, and the Barclay, noble of blood, shall surely win over the ladies of the Lifstala. If they continue on this path, this author sees many-a-maiden swooning in the near future!




    While this latest debacle at His Majesty’s court arose once more from the deeds of one Princess Klara Elizaveta, this author sees no need to thrash her further, for there are others more deserving. Is it not strange how time and time again the knights of our beloved Hanseti-Ruska simply do… Nothing? Is it not the duty of a knight to defend the honour of his liege, and by extension the honour of his line? I should certainly say it is, yet despite their presence in the throne room as the young Princess was humiliated, none did so much as raise their voice. Is it cowardice? Ineptitude? Why, oh gallant knights, did you allow the Princess to be denied her entry to the order of Queen Maya and the Lily? Why did you allow mere Baronial peers to besmirch her name, and the name of our King? Even though Princess Klara may have been deserving of the criticism she received, the display put on by the Crow Knights was most despicable. For shame, Sers and Dames. How far the order has fallen when a gossipmonger holds more respect for the Barbanov name than those sworn by oath to uphold it. 


    Barclay, Morovar, Mondblume; It is of no matter. Do not spit on the honour of your liege. Raise your voices and your blades, lest you continue to bring shame to our kingdom! This author would like to note, as well, that the Knight Paramount himself was present for both the insults suffered by Princess Klara and the assault of Lady Elizaveta Ulyana, and in both cases he did nothing -- simply outrageous! Perhaps His Majesty was wrong to hand off the reins so soon. 




    The hive of degeneracy that is Elysium was in for quite the surprise when the young Prince Josef Frederik and his entourage turned up at their gates. My birdies tell me the Prince was joined by Lord Mikhail var Ruthern, Lord Matyas Isaak, Mister Lukas Vyronov, and none other than the Grand Prince, Karl Sigmar himself! What business could this troupe of gentlemen have in Elysium, you might ask. Women, of course! It would seem these Lords sought to shoot their shot with the exotic ladies of those lands, with varying degrees of success. It would seem the future King was the greatest hit with the fairer sex, for he was seen speaking to an Elysian Princess well into the night. Said Princess seemed to be stricken with some form of plague, with spotted and blotchy skin. Though, she must make up for her strange appearance through other means, for His Serene Highness had to defend his catch from Elysian suitors through his quick wit and sharp tongue alone. The other Prince, Josef, who it should be noted was the leader of this group, seemed to be, for a lack of a better word, maidenless for the night. Instead, the Prince drowned his sorrows at the tavern. Not a good look, especially so soon before the Lifstala. 


    With the Barbanovs out of the way, this author is surprised to report that the mad Baron of Rostig, Mikhail var Ruthern, seemed somewhat popular with the ladies of Elysium when contrasted to his peers. He was spotted chatting incessantly with an Elysian noblewoman in the square! Quite surprising for the boy who naught more than two Saint’s Weeks ago struck the Lady Margrait Baruch in a fit of rage. This was also the case for one Matyas of Alban, who was given a tour of the Elysian lands by what, by all reports, was a rather handsome young woman. Finally, we come to mister Vyronov, who much like Prince Josef, found himself maidenless for the duration of the outing. Though, this author suggests such a gallant young man is merely saving himself for the Lifstala and for a proper Haeseni woman. Regardless, ladies. These are the men to keep an eye on, the prize catches of the Lifstala! Get to it! 



    Rest assured, dearest reader, that your Hearsay will have their pen lifted and ready to scrawl throughout this upcoming Haeseni Season. This issue, I leave a warning to those showcasing themselves at such a splendid affair. There is to be no secrets between us. Our eyes will be watching, observing, each and every one of you. This, I can promise.



    Ink put onto parchment, where the hands shakily dismantle the deception in our court. As with previous editions, my address is afforded.


    [OOC: Discord HearsayOfHaense#1132]

  4. t-51bP2WNJ3isX1gH3d7Vnl03Ll4e_PUcMY-C3WrOFEbWXA_iy2EMxZ510PqJ6ZvLqOq58QVKaQzOGjPs-ucbmPBwkKQHruCWQYnMPY6VAmokfmZ20HIax32OHqLaGbDU0aWIYAf

    The Hearsay of Hanseti-Ruska

    Edition VII

    Jula and Piov, 372 ES



    This disappointed hand graces saddened parchment. Who does one Duchess Doja Catherine think she is? Appropriating our fine people, in my place, yet she knows nil; ‘I bring forth the beginning of spring.’ No my dearest Doja, you bring not a single thing, save for a paper that reads like a sneeze. Besides, a woman donned Catherine, may as well just don the surname of an Imperial. She knows nothing of our people, and her perception, wit and judgement is about as shrewd as that of a light to the eye of a squawking bat.


    Galahar’s Shadow


    I think that if one speaks on the prince, Nikolas one more time, the entire nation might just implode. And there’s no Jackson Porter this time to shield the damage. These papers have it all wrong though, all were there to pass albeit sparkling, but mundane judgement on the Prince - but no fun details were spared. So I suppose, all must rely on the Hearsay for the.. Hearsay again.


     Alongside the Haeseni Rose, Petra Emma, Nikolas is the Dazzling Star of Haense; and we all know that stars catch the eyes of many - particularly, wishful women. We knew this! So we tread the heels of the prince, and so did our spyings begin. He met with one Annika Vyronov, and we’ll keep this conclusive - she entered the stray palace garden’s maze, with Heinrik’s gift; a necklace, around her neck. Yet, when she left, the gift seemed to be absent, in place of a princely smile brandished across her warmed lips. Nikolas, the little rascal, took his leave minutes after, sporting hair of the dishevelled, but rugged sort. It all but seems the Duke of Galahar, has Heinrik rooted in his own shadow. Even the old time Cavalier, Ser Alric, seems to be taking notes on the Prince’s doings. He too, seems to have his one eye on the lady, boo-hoo.


    For Those Curious


    In these times whence love and... All matters of other things fly through the air, it is most important for this writer that those wishing for a private rendezvous have a place away from the prying eyes of guard-dog mothers. There is no better thrill than a moment away from the hustle and bustle of the promenading square. This most informative writer must warn our fair maidens however; for a moment caught alone may indeed ruin her reputation should it be discovered! Therefore, I propose to offer out a following list warily:


    The Palace Gardens 

    The quintessential spot for a moment alone amongst his Majesty’s most prized flowers and exotic animals in the back of the palace gardens. There has been many a face to abscond from general view to tumble into the bushes for a moment alone, yet more specifically this writer reveals that they have seen numerous couples move more specifically into conjoining together amidst the maze. There, we might notice many a couple enter only to seemingly get lost for hours on end! Surely there is something larger afoot than simply the difficulties of traversing a small maze? One Ser Franz Barbanov in his youth most certainly did his rounds here, alongside his peered Ser, Alric Ruthern. These days, it seems to be a bit of a hotspot for all, they, who I’ve caught, will soon be published! Due to the surge of goers here, Ser Franz and Ser Alric however have taken to other nooks in the Kingdom - Ser Alric, I cannot quite find - Ser Franz, on the daily, hauls in a certain Imperial redhead to one of the many outer city, guarding towers. Oh! Don’t forget the likes of Annika Vyronov either, she seems to have many men lead in tow there. Tut-tut, Nikolas and Ser Alric, and the many rest..


    The Palace Kitchens

    Perhaps a more specific spot for those wishing to secure a royal, one too often finds the door of these kitchens ajar and the royal chefs ordered away! As they returned, one might often find a pair of hands outstretched betwixt the flour laid out upon the table, and other treats stolen from the stores! Certainly any might know that the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach, yet it must be corrected in that the best way to entreat anyone is through a love of food! Afterall, food is one of the very few things a person might put into their body. It's awfully hard to seize any real glimpse of any kitchen-goers, but this author will reveal that a certain Kortrevich, seems to think the place is his home - always going to and fro, with another. I'll not disclose anything further, until I'm certain of the woman in question, but Kortrevich, I know exactly who you are.


    The Stables

    Whether a young soldier or a rambunctious young noble, this is not the ideal spot for any private meeting, though it is certainly one for a quick-escape. Should a grumbling father have declined a young man’s advances upon his doe eyed daughter, the stables is a point for a conversation to occur. This writer would certainly suggest the stables no place for a lady unless in dire straits however, and rather it is more wise to ride out for a picnic instead. While not entirely a man yet, Ruslan Baruch, seems to despise the typical of woman; slim, frailed (alike Rosalind Amador), and with enough makeup to poison a swamp of frogs. Lord Baruch’s bizarre and only desire to be a martial-aholic must have already tainted his mind. For he prefers the burly, and towering women; stable and horse girls, who I often spy leaving this location with the Lord. If not for only being a meagre initiate in the army, I surmise he would’ve already had a few rounds in the Haeseni barracks. His poor Imperial wife, she ticks exactly none of his boxes.


    The Sewers of Karosgad

    I never thought I’d jot something so.. dare I say, unorthodox? Setting foot into any sewers is asking to gain a disease, especially with the influx of rats; at the behest of our most competent Lord Marshal, and his feeding of them! In fairness, my precious soles would never pass into the wretched, and stinking place, so those lovesick birds who blunder into the sewers, are safer than most - but I’ll still catch them. Speaking of: Oho. Poor Frederik Baruch. Let’s count his woes shall we: his previous desired love, outright denied him, for a second to none knight, Ser Antonius. Then in a tournament, he fell second place to Ser Antonius - in which the knight no doubtedly, will soon be courting the Ruthern. A bad boy, with a broken heart. Flustered, and outright dismayed, Freddy, with a peasant girl’s hand in his own, took to the sewers, clearly trembling at the thought of being caught. The girl clambered out crying, and Frederik emerged from the sewers - up to his knees in sewage, and a nose-churning smell; he must’ve fallen in. Bless. Is this the new spot for the uneager? It’s certainly safe from most eyes.


    Pickings of the Season

    As this writer notices the berries and fruit of our fair climate go into full bloom, it is worthwhile to make a few mentions upon that of the Lifstala’s opening salvos, and on whom is certainly the cream of our crop. One should make note that all is subject to change at the disgrace of one, or the uprising of another, and so those unmentioned or admonished should not take such to heart!


    Most Improved 

    Frederik Baruch and Edmund Barclay

    Simple enough. Edmund Barclay, the tormented, can actually hold words without that tremble in his lungs. A vast improvement from when he almost soiled himself, speaking with one Tatiana Ruthern in the tavern. We’ve our sights set on this one! Then there is Frederik Baruch, who has hit that much of a low; doused in sewage, that the only way is up, from here on out. And he’s certainly giving it his all!


    Darling of the Lifstala

    Marjorie vas Ruthern

    This writer was perhaps too harsh in her judgment of the Ruthern brood in their last edition, for it seems it has set forth a standard of having nothing of benefit to say at all about the young Raevir. From stumbling her words to a lack of certain graces, certain crowds have watched this underdog story with a closeted heart. The war of love is a stern and cruel one, in which many a spinster is left behind as some will certainly learn if they do not pick up their paces! Yet not this little darling. The court sees that she is certainly trying with a regular group of suitors calling upon the girl! Love will conquer all, and this darling must not be left without a match, it is our hope.


    Ve Morrivi Blauwm

    King Heinrik II

    While not exactly a candidate in this season. Any with the slightest grain of insight knows that His Majesty, will always be a free man to this market, wed or not. Even in his late marriage, and any to-be marriage. This paragon of immorality, is truly our own Haeseni wonder. Though, it wouldn’t surprise me if all of those who follow into his office, are simply yearning for his power, and nothing else. Annika Vyronov, eh? In fairness, I’d give my life to escape the dastardly Vyronov household. Despite years of absence too, Amalya Amador made her presence known, and she was the very first to see the monarch after the introductions. Where was Annika? The poor old Vyronov does not quite know what she’s early footing into; but His Majesty, while Hearsay goes on, will always be our favourite! Her fate might’ve already been secured, in the terms Heinrik is to court her - if he isn’t already.


    The Saddest Flame

    Princess Katerina Barbanov

    The saddest of flames are always the dwindling ones. Out of everybody, I expected to see Princess Katerina to be amongst the queue of others. Instead, she gawked from the dais. It is entirely disappointing and.. tedious, at this point, is she even trying? Does she care? Heinrik ought to marry her finger off, maybe like many of the Haeseni populace, she desires an Imperial man; easily put into their place. We all know that demanding, and whaling mouth of her’s to be loud.


    Half and Empty-Headed

    The Barclay Twins

    These brothers are quite something, Reinhardt and Klaus - the curse of those awfully given names, might just be duly right. One has half of his head, while the other is entirely void of a head; empty and dull. One with charm, and the other with a babbled and unwitful tongue. They’ve the Haeseni Rose in common, Petra Emma. She’ll soon come to realise she can do better than the both of them combined, but her youth blinds her to such - or maybe she’s leading them on early. Regardless, Reinhardt is marginally favoured by this Author, best of luck!



    Fresh in: It seems that Ailred Ruthern, who is engaged to one Fenika Barbanov - made a rare appearance of his, at the face of Frederik Baruch; insulting the Royal family. Such was met by the force of a herculean fist, rendering the Baruch unconscious. ‘Bad Boy’ Freddy, has really hit a new low, toppling from grace to the cold, grit-ridden steps to the palace, scuffing that handsome face of his. 


    The only way I see Frederik recovering from this is to scuffle the Ruthern family! In a three-on-three duel, Baruch vs Ruthern.


    What do you say, Frederik?


  5. XmAAVIAiXkUvR6o39K04ZZxabuRpxq18txlL_IWTo3R2vEPkxobZ2u1EXvjFL5DggFYV0d_-wcPsxqCVKcHlEztgUOF0Oakv7zjfqVeQaP6NDt6qpAIXc-Lx6ZLrnXRN8czWDELY

    The Hearsay of Hanseti-Ruska

    Edition VI

    Wzuvar ag Byvca, 371 ES



    In the good spirit of this upcoming election, the Hearsay deems that another edition should come out sooner, rather than later. Especially considering this news: Another through letters, and an attentive frame of mind, has been selected to remedy this trio back to greatness. Planted deep within the courts of Hanseti-Ruska, our previously lacking source of Hearsay, has been replenished; rejoice! It is all of our best wishes that this member leaves a mark equally as lasting as the late Isabel herself.


    All Eyes on Vyronov


    My hands stained the last edition unrightfully so, proclaiming Annika Vyronov to be of the traditional variant -- when in fact, the only traditional part about her is the Haeseni woman niche of being promiscuous. Just like two dogs subject to heat, His Majesty and the Vyronov were sucking the faces off of each other. Their shame holds naught, as they quite literally locked lips before the paled sun, atop an Astfield balcony. I swear that those servants of the palace must be dropping potions of love to the drinks of women; afterall, it is that aging lump of decayed lust, Rosalind Amador running the place. And if not for Lady Vyronov locking lips, it is instead Lord Vyronov smacking lips to the knee of His Majesty. Declaring loyalty, aye, but also declaring that his backbone is crooked, like a failing scaffold. I do fear for Lord Vyronov however. Have you seen his own sister parading the streets with that regal necklace, donning the crest of Heinrik himself? Imagine a house where it takes a leash to tame your very own sister? Stefan denied the King, so he leashed her himself. What a bundle of amused mess.


    From Manhood to Boyhood


    A beloved Maer to most, but to the Dame Viktoriya of Oren, a childish squeeze, is what Franz Barbanov is. We all know that Ser Franz has a peculiar draw to the city of Providence, but typically his route is headed for the palace! So it bewildered me when I spied the Prince and Maer stride off into the Bastille with Dame Viktoriya for many hours. She’s half as pretty as his typical sort, and twice as tall. Whatever marbles Ser Franz is holding onto are cracking at the core. Later emerging at a ball at the Augustine, Dame Viktoriya was also seen cradling the man, arm betwixt cumbersome, and mammoth arm. And they say chivalry is dead! Nothing was quite out of the ordinary, save the occasional squirm of Franz, at least until they took to the ballroom floor -- alike dancing with a burly bear it was. Then in one final gambit to sap the entire masculinity from the frailing body of the knight, the goliath swooped, and then planted an audible kiss upon the forehead of him! My, what would Wilhe- rather, the redhead of the Imps say? He ought to claim back his manhood and honour. Ser Franz ‘the Boy’ Barbanov.


    Rampant Ruthern


    The Lord Palatine is certainly feeding his kin something other than oatmeal in the morning. There is Marjorie, who seems to be eating all too much, locked away in a fleeting, summery romance -- but even that came to shambles. Marjorie was to be dating an unknown, black haired, blue eyed boy by the name of Karl. Yet his descent is unknown to most, and some often say, he can be seen stalking the streets of Providence. Call it a youthful joy gone sour. Karl, or whoever he claims himself to be, had enjoyed the poor companionship of Marjorie, but it was all just to lead her on. Marjorie, the insecure lump, thought she would wed the boy eventually, and all Karl wanted was mere ‘fun’. Leaving the lumpard heartbroken, blast the soul of Karl!


    Then there’s the previously blubbering boy Ailred, who in his youth, spat more than spoke, a result of that wobbling lip -- but even he has managed to shine above the vast, Ruthern litter. Taking on arms in the HRA, and purchasing the ring finger of one Fenika Licthe; who is only slighted related to him, by the way. Speaking of all-to-close affections, has anybody else noted that the litter of Ser Alric, Aleksandr Ruthern has his eyes set upon his own cousin, Tatiana? Pry the two apart before a child bearing six fingers, alike the Vanir Viscount comes to show!


    And one Harren Ruthern, albeit he is the impressive envoy to Oren, he too, speaks like one of those old, rogue Dwarven pieces of machinery. His ring finger has been allotted to that de Astrea, and bless her soul, for it will surely be damned once she follows the same whorish fate as her mother; Rosalind. It runs in the blood, I tell you. 


    Trouble for Jensen


    Here marks the return of the love between the two lady lovers of Karosgrad, or lack thereof, being Her Highness, Katerina Cecilya and Camilla Ruthern. Ever since the death of Mariya, Katerina is far less concerned with Camilla, but instead herself -- taking to amassing waves of pity for herself, and nothing else. Leaving Camilla to her own wits, and self. We might all be rooting for the successor Lauritz Jensen Jr, but the Jr only stands for how juvenile he might be, as he is being played like a game by the Ruthern. Since the wailing Princess’ departure, Camilla has taken to acquating herself with more than just one man, but three. There’s the loyalist soldier, Colborn, who is often seen with her in the eyes of the public -- and when night strikes, in the corners of gardens. And those.. new knights in Haense? The ones accompanying the recently bestowed Ser Antonius. One of their kin, was seen to be speaking in a low whisper with her for many hours, until they eventually retired the night -- to a bought chamber, elsewhere. Please Lauritz, do not subject yourself to the likes of duplicit women. God.


    Do speak with her! Let’s call it; a query, from the *****, (allegedly.) In fairness, Lauritz was found with his four eyes lingering elsewhere -- the knights, it seemed.




    [!] A new section seems to have joined the very bottom of the edition, with the depiction of a lowborn man presenting himself before the duma attached.




    The 371 Election: Who’s Hot and Who’s Not?


    Grand Maer:


    Franz Barbanov - As expected, the incumbent Maer Barbanov, who is currently serving his fourth term in the Duma, is running for a fifth. Despite what seems to be made of his failing mental state, where most of his Duma sessions are spent rambling incoherently. Nevertheless, he has still been one of the most productive people to ever sit in the Duma, and one can only hope that another kiss to the forehead may improve his mental health.


    It is, however, still disappointing, that there are none in the Kingdom with the balls, or wit, to challenge Maer Barbanov for his seat, and one is only left to wonder if anyone will take the mantle?


    Royal Alderman:


    Fenika Barbanov - The Princess Fenika, the eldest child of the Grand Maer, is by all probable means the best candidate in this election. Her father has, after all, been the Grand Maer since before she was born, certainly she must have picked up a thing or two from him? Even then, if she does get elected for Duma, will she be able to step out of her father’s footsteps and prove herself, or will she linger there to the disappointment of the entire Kingdom?


    Tatiana Ruthern - The young Tatiana is a prodigy of law within the Kingdom, and many think that she may be the next High Justiciar, and even if no one thought it, we’re certain her father, the Lord Palatine would make it happen. Yet, the girl has her ambitions set on a seat in the Royal Duma, and pledges to uphold the Law and Order of the Kingdom, but really, what does an indecisive girl barely the age of sixteen, who has to advertise herself in public missives for the attention of the local boys, know about Law and Order? Despite this, she’s certainly not the worst candidate on the ballot, by far!


    Andrik Baruch - Our current Aulic Envoy is certainly one of the better in the bunch, and has previously represented the House of Baruch on multiple occasions in the absence of the lunatic Matyas. One must beg the question, though, is the Aulic Envoy bored of his position? Or does he simply desire to put even more work on his plate? Certainly, one can only have so much time left when managing that intricate web of treaties the Kingdom has made under his tenure. Nonetheless, Lord Baruch is a competent man, and has proven so before.


    August Vyronov - August Vyronov? The name was foreign to the Hearsay until we glossed over the nominations for the elections. Legend has it that he is a cousin of Stefan Vyronov, and well, while there is nothing to criticize this candidate on, we can only express our sincerest hopes that August is much more of a man than the pitiful Baron Vyronov.


    Aleksandr Ruthern - Aleksandr Ruthern (who I would have referred to as Lord Ruthern, had there not been over a dozen of the sort) was part of the defense in the case of Baruch, et al. z. Surgeon-General, which was notoriously lost by Aleksandr and his uncle, the Lord Palatine. Though, it seems that the boy is such a sore loser that he has 

    pledged to run for Duma to amend exactly the laws that caused them to lose the trial, curious, isn’t it?


    Adalia de Astrea - The youngest (and only living) daughter of Rosalind Amador, need more be said? Despite her parentage, her campaign is a fine one, and maybe she, unlikely any of her relatives, shall prove to be a well-mannered and competent woman in something that isn’t merely stirring the pot of meaningless arrogance in our courts. She is also the youngest candidate running this election, which could leave the hopeful anticipating what the future beholds for the young de Astrea.


    Aldrik Baruch - Better known as Better Bird Baruch, allegedly the greatest (and only) lawyer in our country, with a case win-to-lose ratio similar to rolling a dice. He currently serves as the regent of his grandson, Viscount Isaak Amador, which leaves one to wonder why the man wishes to have his hands around two Duma seats, was the free one for serving as the Amador regent not enough for Lord Baruch?


    Juliyus Kortrevich - Certainly what one could describe as an elder statesman, the seventy-three year old Juliyus Kortrevich desires another term in the Royal Duma. His ability to be elected has always been a surprise, considering the man’s opinions belong in the 15th century, who can forget wonderful lines such as “If I find some soldier snooping around my home because they thought something was amiss, I might slay them.” and “Sometimes you just need to slap a *****.”, both spoken with pride by Lord Kortrevich at the most recent sitting of the Royal Duma!


  6. Just now, altiar1011 said:

    [!] Upon the morrow, a paper bird would find itself fluttering to the usual Hearsay hotline, wrought of finest parchment and scribed in golden ink.


    "I may be a cripple, but I have standards, darling. My last name isn't Napier."


    All things told, it was likely an extreme waste of paper for such a short missive. 




    An amused titter departed the lips of a particular Hearsay figure. "That's the spirit."



    The Hearsay of Hanseti-Ruska

    Edition V

    Tov ag Yermey, 370 ES



    Let us all bring our hands together, in prayer for the lately deceased Queen Mother of Hanseti-Ruska. Direful times are ahead of us, and have been for some years now. The streets of Karosgrad, they are filled with a riled up peasantry, and rats that have materialized from the sewers. Although, not all that much has changed in the courts. In fact, this Author places gold that the uprooted rats are no different than the conniving men and women of the courts and the streets; we’ll come to more of that later. I fear that this Hearsay might be gone for a short while longer after this, see, Isabel meant an awful lot for us. So consider us only a pair now, or rather, a duo. We’ll see about filling in the gap.


    One Big Girls Blouse


    You would think that with the running tensions of Karosgrad, at least one fight would develop from it all. But one cowardly, and ever-so grandiose Lord seems to be avoiding a duel. Just as much as he avoided seeing the late Koenas Mariya Amador, while his side amour prowled the streets. Many wish they could swipe that swollen-headed smile of his away, but then I come to realise that Stefan Vyronov is merely a Baron? It’s not worth it, he says, but is the time of any Lord worth the minutes of a petty, and downfalling Baron? His Grandfather while a bit senile, and can always be overheard talking about times of old. Wielding a sword in one hand, and the pride of Haenseman in his heart. Whatever could have gone for the superior Stefan to have sprouted a line of Vyronov’s that lead to such a poltroon of a man. Valdemar Vanir, the soon-to-be Lord challenged; the answer was no. Ailred Ruthern, the soon-to-be Lord challenged; no. Ruslan baruch, and no. The reasoning for the challenges might have been slightly in the shakes, but Lord Vyronov, do you wish to be the laughing stock perpetually? Or do you wish to reap at least some respect?


    He hides behind the excuses of honour and proper clause, but we all know that the Vyronov is with his heart in his mouth. This is all but surprising considering that his darling seems to tower nearly over twice the size of him, we all know who dons the pants in his romance.


    King o’ the Rats


    We all miss Manfred Barclay. The man had a way with his soldiers, and he always had a proper way to deal with a problem. Friedrich Barclay, the successor, might have a slight way with the people, but the man solves problems like a child first learning to wipe their rear; befouledly. But no, this is not something to joke around, for the Marshal has been conspiring with the enemy and a ravenous one at that. You all have seen the packs of rats that comb the streets? His Grace decided upon meeting with them, for a truce, which is all not that bad until you find out he is offering to feed them the carcasses of troll bodies. And what happens when the starved rat suddenly has food again? They breed and breed, and soon they’ll surely overrun the streets of Karosgrad. It may be named the City of Crows now, but it’ll soon be the City of Rats, if the Marshal doesn’t wind his neck in. Manfred Barclay would have sensed this. Though, with all the deaths of his loved ones, perhaps the Marshal is turning to early senility? Hear hear, let us all put up an expedition, to find the brain in that cavernous skull of his head.


    To the common folk of Hanseti-Ruska, step up before this Marshal early foots us into a crisis!


    Majesty on the Market


    To the dias, and presenting His Majesty, Heinrik II. Before the death of his late mother, it all but seemed the monarch was available, per se. So after this sparing stint of mourning, all the courtiers and other watching eyes expect him to remarry, or at least begin courting. Once moved out of this mourning period, this writer and the Hearsay desire to place bets on the following individuals. On who will be at the flank side of the Koeng, reigning as Her Majesty, or just another mistress of his. He is a grizzled, single father, and has clearly caught the eyes of these individuals:


    Amalya Amador

    Where has Amalya Amador gone, hm? A prime candidate, if you ask this writer, diseased by the surname of Amador and by peculiar intricacies. However, she was often seen patrolling the late night shift of the palace of His Majesty, which always ended in his office. My coffers would wager entirely on this one, if not for her absence and her previous courting of the missing knight, Ser Oliver. Strike her from the list!


    Annika Vyronov

    We all know the King has a tendency to act brash, or be full of himself. But with the traditional Lady Vyronov, he might just be biting off more than he can chew. From what I understand, she stands tall to everything she says, and will not easily give that ground away; especially to the Lord Vyronov, who would? A valid choice, and she might just add another sense to the ‘warrior’ aspect of being a Queen, one who fights by not drawing back. One who needs not a weapon, to defend herself. Poetic!


    Rosalind Amador

    Everybody can retell the story of Rosalind Amador having her head shaved of hair. But not everybody can quite retell how the King and herself rekindled following that, they are fond of each other. In spite of such, as much as the next man is fond of Rosalind, all know they are to be second best in her wake. Besides, all can pick out the stray grey hair from the mop of Rosalind, too old, I say.


    Tarathiel Asul’oon

    That house upon Koengstriet is a cursed one, housing a few too many strange folk. Tarathiel Asul’oon might just be the only promising feature to leave the bounds of it in fact. The King thinks that at least. Our beloved Isabel spied their late night doings far too much, but she always pleaded that we do not write on it. I suppose she does not have a say now, does she? Tarathiel, if only you were a human; love from Heinrik.


    Love and courting might just be in the air again, even the Palatine has found himself a new woman to share the little free time he has with. Even if she is of precarious Imperial descent.. 


    Haeseni Rose in Bloom


    Times are drab, but I spy a blooming rose in the works of tainted soil. Petra Emma. Assassinations plague the reigning house of Barbanov, yet the little rose shall rise to be the light of the House of Barbanov. Alas, we have a Royal to treasure instead of critique to no end: Katerina, seems to have lost half of her personality, as her friends pass; an idle medic, she is now. Nikolaus, poor Nikolaus, he has been hidden away for many years. And there is Ser Aleks, the man just holds no colour in his eyes anymore. Ser Franz well.. a once wise figure, sages only incoherent ramblings now. And Juliya too, the lone mother, who parents the children to an overly zealot and ill-caring man --- forgotten by everybody. I do suppose Ser Franz has a few shining in his litter. Especially with those Barbanov-esque bastards running around, I wonder who those belong to! 


    Hurray for Petra Emma. Even if the name does ring as poorly as a rusted bell.


    Mister Speaker? Mister Speaker?


    Igor, Igor. An excellent successor to the past Speaker, but he too, has his eyes set on the city of wigs. We are only thankful there is no Archchancellor for this one to marry! One might wonder where the Lord Speaker was during the duma of last, but I spied a little crow, promenading beside an Imperial wig himself. The Baroness of Halcourt, how dare you take our Speaker away and into your estate? Our beloved draft of promiscuity of our past must have blown over to Providence, how shameful. In light of this, hear to the hearsay, and put a bill in, as to to keep Igor Kort’s mind firmly upon that of his duty of the duma than this Orenian social season. Order!



    As an honourable mention to the detectives of Hanseti-Ruska! It seems even our own hero of the commoners, Katerina, is afraid to leave the body of her past mother, Isabel. In the clinic overnight, at least. Perhaps some more thorough investigations might be done, for who knows what may transpire inside the nefarious morgue of Karosgrad; when not a soul is there to see. Or maybe, Katerina has more than just an eye in it all, but a hand also.


    Why are bodies being cremated without permission?


    Are the bodies even being cremated, or is it all a ruse for something far more sinister?


    The Surgeon General carries no true life in those eyes. Does her only high in life come from that morgue?


    Why does the Princess Katerina, the medical prodigy, cling to bodies as if her life depended on it?


    Surely there is more to this morgue than meets the eye.



    I suppose this Hearsay does owe an apology. But for what? These editions have become far and few between. However, one cannot exactly blame the Hearsay, the histrionics and thespianism of the past are not quite the same! I only hope a newer Queen, and court will bring about more scandal than ever, the last well.. she killed any of that. Bring back the thronged and alive courts! Hear hear.


  8. 1 hour ago, Gusano said:

    The same giddy and excitable courtier that had delivered him the first edition once more knocked upon the door to Franz's chambers. He ceased his writing of the second Princess Leralina book, and instead took to reading. His fist balled into a tight fist as the Prince fumed, "The audacity of these attention whores, to drag my name through the dirt like that? They have no right! I do everything in my power to maintain myself as a dignified representative of the people, and in turn they chose to portray me as some pig that sleeps in the mud with whatever sow I can find?" As his ramblings become more and more incoherent, his fist trembled with rage, before it was thrusted into the nearest mirror, shattering pieces of glass all across the floor and cutting into his hand. He drew in a deep breath, before looking to the courtier, "All lies, of course," the only remaining sound the idle drips of blood onto the floor.

    The author heard the tumultuous wails from the promiscuous prince echoing from within the high strewn walls of the palace with an amused simper on their countenance. 

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