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    Ganymede Urixisys: Ganymede was born sometime in the early summer in Aegrothond. Believed to be around late May to early June. The exact date is unknown but her age is 24. Born into a family of 8 siblings in which she is the youngest and only woman. As a child Ganymede would spend long hours in the forest scavenging for materials and food. Her family ran a strict sharing rule in which all supplies gathered must be shared and rationed. Albeit a good system this often led to disappearances of supplies and over indulgence. Ganymede is the first female born of the Urixisys Clan in 5 generations leading most of her family to believe they are suffering from a curse inflicted to them because of their fathers tendency to be just a downright awful person. Because of this, Ganymede had a difficult upbringing. Her mother shunned her and her father often locking her into their undergroung basement to justify misdoings. Often called "The cursed child" Ganymede had a hard time making friends in her early childhood as children were often told that she was cursed and if they came into contact with her, they too would suffer the same misfortunes. This led to her spending most of her time exploring the woods around her and the local book stalls. Upon her normal savaging she came across an injured chicken which she nursed back to help with the help of an old potions book given to her by a young boy who took pity on her. Through this book, she learned basic spells. Hearing of her dabbling in magic, her father feared her a user of dark magic and keept her locked in the underground at the age of 13. By 18 she managed to escape one night by convincing her father she could grant him immortality. Instead, she took off into the night and hasn't looked back since. Now Ganymede dedicates her time and energy to become a druid to aid others in their own plights. A typical Mali'ame she spends her time in the woods, foraging for materials and hunting down her next meal.
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