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Everything posted by Katairo

  1. Katairo


    When I was young I lived in a rural region in the outskirts of Haense, I lived there with my family and eight siblings. However, the day that my world ended started when our parents had to go on a voyage, they left my siblings and I scattered all over Almaris. I was abandoned in a region of Elvenesse where I was raised by my adopted family. Sadly I was without my siblings, but that sadness became my fuel to find them, so we can be together once more. When I was old enough I left Elvenesse and headed towards Talon's Port, on my way I ventured to this vassal of sorts called Selestia. Once I ventured to this vassal I decided to finally settle down and start My life anew. My nonbiological family, taught me how to grow my own crops and herbs. I used that knowledge to start my own living as a farmer and a herbalist, at first it was meant for me to survive on the land. Surprisingly word gets around, people started to come by and paid me for my locally grown resources, it made me feel happy to give back to the community. As I gain the trust of others I started to ask around my family to no avail, but my search won't end there. I closed shop and took a week break to Haense to my childhood home, to only find a burnt photograph showing only half of the siblings. This gave me the strength to continue the search while maintaining my life as a herbalist and farmer.
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