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Character Profile

  • Character Name
    Zeke O'neil
  • Character Race
    Dark elf

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  1. sleepyzek


    When Zeke was born it was a dark and stormy day the year was 1793, he was told that he was a miracle and was not supposed to be alive. Growing up he had his older brother Timothy and his older sister Charlotte, they both always kept him company. When he was 10 years old they went on a boat trip, and while he slept his family left him on an island by himself. Since then he has been taking care of himself learning to fight, hunt, cook, and setup camps. He always wondered why his family abandoned him and that kept him up at night. One day he had met a traveler who was asking Zeke about himself that's when he found out he was an dark elf, his family were humans they had dropped him off near The Onyx Sanctum, a city of dark elves. He started to think of what the traveler had said, Zeke thought maybe his real parents were Nephilim. His soul grew full of hatred because everything he knew had been a lie. So he set out to Renailia hoping his real parents were there. Soon Finding out that the state had be dissolved, his family was now further away from him. Eventually he became tired of searching for his parents and hitting dead ends, so he decided to take a break and try to get stronger and find others who can make him stronger. At 18 in the year of 1811 he went to The Onyx Sanctum and this is where his story begins.
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