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Posts posted by Zonty

  1. Marooned in place afar and deep, where lamps of fairy light tinged walls alight, a shadow stirred. Immaculate. 

    And stranded in the light-borne shackles, it swirled along the floor and spanned; from formless undulates a form was born, a countenance with lineaments unknown.

    A youthful tone wore captive's voice. a childish whisper trickling thence unto stones;


    "O'deary-deary me!" - "O'why can't I be there with them?" - "O'why can't I forsake this place?" - "O'why can't I crusade the foulest ilk?"


    Its frown was doomed; a smile bloomed; and frivolous became its tune-

    A cackle rang. A clang of chains. A rattle of the binds! 

    Like snow beneath the hefty feet, the fetters crunched in rupture.


    The light was banished. The twilight won, and someone sought to find the pope!

  2. 12 hours ago, Shiredom said:



    Actual criticism, why so expensive? For all it does is adding a tiny weak bit of fire and water resistance to paper-like materials this seems excessive. A Blasting Potion is actually cheaper than this. Also gives no actual instructions on how to make it, or a base. Is there no base? Do you just throw all of the signs together and pour it on paper? What happens here? 

    The cost is piped up to avoid abundance of the brew's application; whilst writing, I pictured the potion as an apparatus of  very much devout scholars to mitigate harm to their treasured scrolls, etcetera.

    It also comes as a detriment to the fact that the effects of the potion last for virtually an endless amount of time, should they manage to avoid the pinnacle of extreme conditions


    Thanks for noting the base though. It got lost during the paste somehow, and is now fixed

  3. 7GQ4mAV.png





    In lands afar of common ilk,

    in chambers locked beneath the earth,

    a scholar sought to alleviate

    the greatest malediction of knowledge;

    its loss. 


    The scrolls as elderly as time were eaten

    by voracious flame; entombed as ashes.

    Books with bygone lore were lost beneath

    the undulating waters;

    where riverbeds became their never-yielding graves.

    It is unfair, to have the expertise,

    although recorded,

    lost throughout the ages on nature's whim.


    “To soothe friend’s sorrow. . .” 






    Thusly so, trudging through

    innumerable failures and downfalls,

    the scholar held perseverance in strife

    against the cruel fate of history.

    And upon a fateful midnight,

    in a laboratory,

    where candles had long been

    crushed by their own fires,

    in a farthest nook that

    prevailed lit,

    success beset the faithful scholar.




    Elixir of Preservation [Open]



    Base: Ochre


    - Silence (x4)

    - Purity (4x)

    - Strength (2x)

    - Separation (3x)

    - Endurance (6x)




    A cloudy, gray-ish liquid.




    Should paper, book, scroll or

    any material of an alike ilk

    be submerged in the water

    for a duration of at least an

    OOC hour, the brew will

    bestow great resilience

    unto the subject, which

    comes in two different types.


    Fire resistance:


    Being an element most volatile,

    the defense against it is hardest to acquire;


    Spitting embers, sparks and other alike

    minute occurrences of flame will be

    incapable of incurring any damage to

    the parchment.

    A direct clash with open flame, however

    (i. e. a book thrown into a hearth),

    will outmatch the potency of the concoction.

    It will persist unharmed for around the duration

    of a single emote. Even if the book will be

    retrieved to safety therein, the effects

    of the concoction will have vanished,

    although reapplication of the elixir would be still possible.


    Water resistance:


    The concoction acts as a far more prominent shield

    against liquid compared to flame, repelling it from

    parchment without too much trouble.

    Thereby, however, difficulty is poised in actually

    writing something on the parchment, as any ink,

    unless the text had been written down prior to

    the elixir’s application, would be warded off. 


    Every ink except a specially devised one;




    - The elixir grants paper minute resistance

    to water and flame, but does not have

    any defense against force applications thereof.

    (I. e. a water-blast powerful enough

    could still shred a scroll, etc.)


    - Requires Alchemy T2


    - Does not require ST signature


    - Each potion is enough for only 3 books or similarly sized objects at most


    - Only works on paper and material alike




    Piercing Ink [Open]




    - Dye, or other kind of substance that can be utilized for writing

    - Instability (2x)

    - Connection (2x)




    Identical to the original guise

    of whatever dye was utilized 

    in the process.




    The only notable power

    is the ability to puncture

    the shield that

    Elixir of Preservation yields.




    - .. It’s just ink

    - Does not require ST signature

  4. Celia'nor.png


    [!] A post was scribbled down, and many copies of it were dispatched within the walls of Celia'nor and beyond.



    Heed us, o'citizens of the BLESSED CITY!! 


    It is with a weeping heart that we must announce of the virulent act that has transpired just a nick of time past.. 


    Basking in the beams of tranquil sun, in the midst of a plain and serene day.. A menace fell unto the city. It dashed passed the gates, leaving the absent (???) guards FLABBERGASTED!! And it encroached upon citizens and peaceful elves.. And struck!! The battle was valiant. Each complimented the strive against their folly. Against a foe whose prowess is a measure beyond.. And it is therein. In that accursed battle, that a strategy was utilized. One to have never been exercised before! It's swift and tactical usage instilled fear in the heart of the adversary. So much so, that it fled the city. But alas! As much as it is effective, as much it is perilous. Victims of that triumph were innocent BEES!! 


    And it is their memory that we want to honor today. Their memory that we wish to be never extinguished.. 




    Im feeling bad today, So I drew a minecraft bee to relax : r/Minecraft



    Alex! A name we shall never forget. His sacrifice saved lives, which will weave songs about him forevermore!




    Im feeling bad today, So I drew a minecraft bee to relax : r/Minecraft


    Zeus! A name befitting its wielder. It is by his might, afterall, that the fiend was repelled!!




    Im feeling bad today, So I drew a minecraft bee to relax : r/Minecraft


    Steve! His eyes were always filled with wonder, and his feet (arms?) were always filled with labor, for he never dallied!!





    Im feeling bad today, So I drew a minecraft bee to relax : r/Minecraft


    Bob! Eldest of the bees that stood their ever vigilant watch over the streets of the Blessed City. With him, so is the much time, much lore and experience is lost.. A tragedy for all!!




    Signed; Me






    He stalked the enchanted forest a while, wondering hither and thither; he strayed between a pair of arching boughs and then he halted. Doubt beset him, for wherever he glanced, all seemed so familiar– and the same. 

    Underneath that vaulted ceiling of sprawling and tangling branches, he sat himself down and pondered. He frequented forests, and many upon the Odras – the continent that was his homeland – were known in every obscured nook and cranny. But it was a different case with this domain of woods. He have not been here before, and the flora here unwavered in their stoic guise. On both flanks, and in the rear and forwards, whither he'd go mattered little; the woods ranked in unchanging structure. Although, whether he erred in his path and traipsed in circles, or the forest was contrived of alike tiles of land, or the morbid trees and grass travelled alongside the Watcher's paces, was hard to tell.




    He spun his eyes about; the nonchalantly breathing woods seemed keen and imperious; staring at the intruder and bidding him death of starvation, for, though occasional brooks of serenely wading waters embellished grasslands, there was absolute dearth of even most timorous and hard-to-catch creatures. The fauna was absent. 

    Probably beholden to the same fate as I. He guessed. 

    The herbs are likely noxious, and peril awaited all who tasted them. And without prey, so the predators perished or turned seldom. 

    His head shook in dismay and his eyes turned to his legs. His teeth grated. Therein something cracked - a stick beneath someone's boot; surprise strung the Watcher and he snapped in the sound's direction; on a bed of fallen leaves and bent grass was a girl. A silk dress was on her, the hair blonde and tended, flowing down to her breast, and from the veil of them protruded a pair of pointy ears. Her legs were bent in knee, so that the bare feet were firm on soil, where the torso was reclined backward, and arms were bracing against the ground behind. Her chin was reared and the glance trapped in light-lit crones. A lonesome ray that managed to thud through that dense thicket far above shone its indigo gleam upon that lithe and minute figure. 


    "Beautiful is the domain of Shadow, is it not? Her voice awoke, and her neck turned; a face in the pale lights from above had a soft smile.


    Shadow? Is that where I'm at? Coarsely rasped the Watcher. His body was ennervated, and so he did naught.


    Why have you come here, traveller? She asked. You do not belong here. You are not of this realm. - You reek of Bûn-Drög; and they sought a route hither for millennia. They want us gone Her head tilted, her gaze squinted. 


    Do you?- thus the query hung in the air. Unanswered; the Watcher slipped no word.


    We wish no war. For although you are mistaken, we believe in change. We do not want to condemn.


    Why do you wish to doom us?” 


    The Watcher smirked; Pity?!Is that the only thing you can came up with to sway me?

    He shook his head with a grin of malice on his lips. “You will not faulter me with your lies; and it is the only thing you and your friends spout. Lies!!!” – “Cease, and your demise will be painless!!” His hand had clung to the belt, and thence unsheathed a dagger, and he swung its blade towards the young girl.


    A sigh from her fluttered, and the weapon notched her like butter, and her form dispersed in mist; it churned and swirled about the Watcher, and from behind the mist stepped darkness, and the Watcher it enveloped. A fleeting scream broke out, but it couldn't escape the fringes of the arch where the man had been sitting; it sunk into naught and forest's silence continued.




    Just wanted to finish something i started yesterday and hadn't had the chance of wrapping up nicely :3


    Part 1, for anyone who liked the small story:


  6. [!]


    Blackness shriveled.

    The dark sillhouettes drew into a vision. 

    A vista of unknown realm spanned down 

    below – first falling down a slope ever steep, 

    and then bounding and sinking, 

    soaring and diving.


    Unwavering twilight lay on the uncanny landscape. 

    Hither and thither, the undulate domain 

    was cracked and riven; meagre fissures and 

    great chasms scarred it, and thence spouted 

    unyielding streams of eerie mist. 


    It roved about the air, and entwined between 

    the abound trees – for in all the sight that 

    unravelled from the tall peak 

    there was the arboreal swath, 

    tailing the earth in every direction, 

    be it the spikes jutting through the hazes 

    and piercing heavens, or deep bowls 

    where dark concealed the lower pits.



    Tranquil it seemed. 

    Unscathed by the currents 

    of time or other force..

     And quiet. 

    Amid those woods 

    only breath of trees 

    and some faraway 

    running waters stirred 

    the elsewise unbreakable 






    A sudden movement occured; 

    through whomever's eyes 

    the lulling picture was perceived, 

    they were turned away from 

    the plastering beauty now. 


    They glimpsed behind; 

    and they fell upon a glade, 

    rimmed by the woods of 

    similitude – where wafts of mist curled,



    and trees cloaked in enchanted 

    and ancient bark loomed.

     Grasses of varying shapes and sizes curled in the sheen whither 

    the unbeknownst Watcher now looked: 

    some were short and crimson, 

    and tipped with black; 

    others were lush and verdant, 

    sprouting into splayed 

    or narrowed bushes.



    There the wind was meek and nigh unnoticeable, 

    yet the greenery and even younger trees 

    obeyed its whims, swaying slightly. 

    The Watcher first indulged in that sight, 

    admiring it in stillness..


     Alas, he couldn't wallow long; 

    from gloom and mist emerged a figure.

     A short one – just about five feet in height, 

    and about two in breadth.

    Its approach lilted with the air of the realm about,

     as the paces were perpetual and calm, 

    and the step was so light that no grass bent behind it, 

    and no sound it summoned forth. 


    The dinless visitor wore a robe of dark silk with a hood cast over the head,

    and where sleeves dangled from the arms and peeked no hands, 

    and where the only gap that showed was where the visitor's face should be. 

    Yet a shadow was strewn over it; the countenance could not be seen. 


    Dreary was the encloaked person, and with his coming dread was spilled into the air. 

    The Watcher bated breath and tensed. His head inclined a slight in caution, and thereby the gaze followed to slant a little. 


    Thus was the only answer to the trepidation that the figure harbringed,

    for the forest remained unangered and unstirred.



    So the mutual stare proceeded, 

    and the time of 

    unmotion drew into minutes..- 

    Hours, perhaps.

     The flow thereof 

    was hard to tell 

    in the midst of placidity. 

    But second after second, 

    all the doubt and terror 

    that enwreathed the Watcher 

    slowly waned. 

    At last it had shrunken

     so much that he broke 

    the pause. 

    With a hand rising aloft 

    and fingers splaying, 

    he gave the other 

    a cautious wave. 


    “Come now, don’t be scaring my weary bones so much. Are you the dweller of this place?”


    Thus, the face of shadow – of that figure across the glade – shifted. 

    It cocked to a side and gawked keenly at the Watcher –

     so much so that all the angst that 

    tarried him before swooped back,

    looming like a great, dark shadow. 

    At length a noise was made –

    but it was not a word spoken hereafter. 

    It was a sneer, and only a passing. 

    For though no other sound was made, 

    in but a twinkle the visitor was gone. 

    And though the Watcher looked about, 

    he found naught but the unruffled woods again. 

    A growl suddenly droned, 

    and it made the Watcher flinch like a tenebrous mouse

    that overheard a hissing snake.. 

    But soon his eyes fell to his stomach – 

    wherein some bits of his own attire exhibited.

    It was a tunic of bleak green, 

    crossed by a series of leathery straps, 

    whence hung different apparatuses– 

    bottles and vials with sunken glow, 

    a pair of daggers in oaken sheaves, 

    and a pouch embroiled in intricate embroidery –,

     and it was the stomach that turned 

    out to be longing for food, 

    rather than a prowling predator. 

    So a sigh the Watcher held, 

    and he set into the woods, 

    and he sought for prey or fruit or other food~



    Wrote this whilst waiting 4 something, and got a funky image when i got back home.

    Hope u like it C:

  7. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Stop metagaming u stinky st


    Character's Age:

             exceeds imagination


    Character's Race:



    What magic(s) will you be learning?



    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:



    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your magic app?:

             হ্যাঁ (I've been prohibited from using ye**)


    Are you aware that if this magic is shelved, it will be unavailable to use?

             হ্যাঁ (I've been prohibited from using ye**)

  8. [!] Across the vast realm of Aevos, hither and thither, tarried many notes. The jotted writing upon most of them was scrawly, and though a few of the papers bore a relatively wrought text, the rest perpetually degraded… So they read; 



    I travelled far and wide to find you and your friends, so that the friends of my friends would get ahold of your friends and befriend the friends of your friends, which is, actually,



    Then I would appear. 


    I would talk to you, because you are a bad guy, doing bad things. 


    You should not do bad things, and I really wanted to properly explain it to you. 






    Send one of your lackeys to meet me or something! 


    My feet ache and all the grown-ups called me stupid!



    To Gashadokuro and his friends,

    From Brenda. 


    P. S. I’ve been told that birds can locate anyone, so send a letter to me!.. (I don’t have friends)

    P. P. S. If you want to send someone to me, ask me in a letter, and I will send you a letter with location! (Please send me a letter, I don’t have friends)

    P. P. P. S. Please send me a letter.                   



    [!] So the ranting of some special person was concluded upon the parchment..



    [!] A gust strove through the city, and basking in its lanky arms, there were many posters flapping.




    "A victory wrought laxity, for the success wrought no rest”




    With the shadows elongating toward East, with the chilly breath of the

    upcoming winter drawing closer, the many labouring and harried

    'thill deserve an interlude of their bewearied saunter.


    The victory bequeathed us fermentation, yet have given no respite;

    the many blessed 'aheral and other dwellers of elThilln'nor

    still travail beneath the enervating gloom of precarious times.


    It is to ease the burdens with whom

    we all were laden, I call ye hither, to the tavern in elCihi’thilln,

    in the passing of mere elven days. 




    The Silver Gala



    a. Competition; lensuloem’bilok

    b. Games; siyuern

    c. Conversation; sanan



    Pumpkin Carving 


    Those deft in hewing and slicing and working I beckon

    to ply their knives and daggers in a sport of refurbishing mere fruit

    into a craft that shalt enamour others. 

    Both the raw supply and apparatus will be provided

    to each contestant, and they will be granted an equal amount of time,

    wherein they will present their capabilities.

    Afterward, the winner will be selected, and a prize bestowed.









    Those who wishn’t bebother themselves

    with more tasks they might dub tiring,

    there shalt be a plethora of different games strewn across the grounds within the tavern:

    from some plain dice-darting festivities

    to more intricate and mind-snaring merriments









    Should thou wish to elude both of the aforementioned,

    it shan’t be a difficult task. One may simply wander the grounds and commune with new or known faces,

    indulge in a welter of different conversations and topics,

    accompanied by an euphony of grand music to embrace oneself within.







    Special invites are forwarded to the following … 


    All the denizens of elCihi’thilln


    All the dwellers of the verdant Vale; 

    and I wish to emphasise,

    for although recently we deemed one another adversaries - we are no more.

    Let us not drown in hatred like the feral beasts, but intermingle,

    and perceive each others’ views.


    All those who were left unmentioned - fret not,

    for thou art not ostracised.

    Everyone wishing to partake within the festival may conjoin,

    given the permission of entry into our Blessed City.









    [!] Somewhere unbeknown and in the stygian darkness,

    a behemoth beast skittered by. 

    Clad in shadows, from its gargantuan maw,

    there frothed some loathsome noises.

    Although reminiscent of jolly laugher,

    the sound was crooked and twisted.

    Through the blackness its heavy thumps droned;

    the adversary set off toward the capital.




    A glut of tavern events will transpire this Friday, starting at 5 pm EST.

    They might diverge in spooky-scary CRP



  10. Minecraft Name



    Discord ID




    +7 est


    What part(s) of Tech Team would you want to be involved in?

    Java Plugin Development
    Issue Triage


    What skills can you apply in your role on Tech?

    I can code, i wanna code.


    What is one thing you would want to change?

    I want to better /rpsign plugin.I want to better /rpsign plugin.I want to better /rpsign plugin.I want to better /rpsign plugin.I want to better /rpsign plugin.


    Link insightful feedback that speaks personally to you.


    GitHub Profile


    Attach any relevant media or links you want to share. (Portfolio)


    I just really want to better the rpsign plugin i think it should work better than it does right now though i think it is a very cool plugin but i think it can be better i want to better the plugin please let me fix it i want a cool plugin to do all the cool things not just one cool thing please let me better the plugin.


    Coding is funny. I would know.

    * I understand that I may have to provide further details in the text-interview.

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