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Everything posted by Zilomax

  1. Zilomax


    Zilomaxus or Zilo was adopted by a couple named Ren Montehein and Clarke Montehein in the Kingdom of Norland. Ren is a blacksmith, he's 5.9Ft tall, brown barber cut hair, brown eyes and light skinned, he have huge arms and big body with a semi huge belly (he kinda looks like a mix of Gragas and Braum from League of Legends). Clarke makes clothes for a living, she have blue eyes and red hair, light skinned and 5.3Ft tall, slim. A man left Zilo to the care of the couple, the man said that his mother died giving birth to him 2 months ago and that he couldn't take care of the child which is his. He also gave a letter to the couple, he said "don't give this to him until he turns 18". The man looked like a Norland soldier. The man said to name the child Zilomaxus just before he left. The couple raised him along with their daughter named Alicia. Alicia has blue eyes, red hair and light skinned, her body looks so feminine. Zilo helped Ren with smithing while Alicia help Clarke with making clothes. As a kid Zilo have always questioned the red faith and doubt if the allfather even exists. He was an athiest. But since his adoptive parents and Alicia is religious, he'd come to the temple to worship with them. Ever since he was a kid, he always wanted to become a swordsman to protect Alicia, while Alicia wanted to explore the world. Alicia and Zilo were very close, they often wander around nearby forest and sometimes set a campfire there and sometimes climb the trees. During their teenage years, they developed feelings for each other. Alicia loves Zilo as Zilo loves Alicia. despite their feelings, they stayed as brothers and sisters. Zilo turned 18, his adoptive parents gave him the letter his father left for him. Zilo immediately broke the seal and opened the letter "Hey son, if you're reading this then you're probably already 18. Sorry I wasn't there during your childhood. Sorry I wasn't the one who raised you. I was only keeping my promise to your mother that I will keep you safe. And the only way for me to keep that promise is to leave you to the care of her childhood friend, Clarke. Your mother, Meryl and I wanted you to live a peaceful life and we wanted you to be safe. You could never be safe with me, son. Especially if I'm going to fight in the Sutican War. I love you, son. Take care always. If ever I will not make it, In peace, may I leave this shore. In love, may you find the next. Safe travels on your passage my son. Until our final journey. May we meet in the end. -Maximus" Seeing Zilo crying, Alicia wanted to cheer him up by spending time with him skating or sliding on a frozen lake (Alicia was rekless and adventurous). Zilo didn't want to skate because he thought it was too dangerous but he thought about how it would make Alicia happy to do something rekless and thrilling so he went anyway. While they were skating, the ice started cracking, Zilo told Alicia to stop moving, and slowly walk towards the shore. As Alicia walk, the ice started to crack more then Alicia fell into the cold lake (Alicia doesn't know how to swim btw). Zilo then jumped into the cold river, ignoring the fact that it's so cold. By the time he got Alicia, it was already too late. Alicia was not breathing. Her parents Grieves and he blames himself for her death. If only he did not agree to go skating, "Alicia would still be alive" he thought. Feeling extremely guilty, he planned to leave. As he leave, Zilo took all of his stuff, the green dyed coat that Alicia made for her, his pair of black gloves and a sword that he forged for himself.
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