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  1. Asmodaious


    Hal was born on 4th of snow's maiden in the first age, living in the beautiful lands of Brandybrook. Hal loved the beauty that his hometown could offer, the growing crops in the farmlands, and swimming in the ocean brought him so much joy to himself and his little sister. Sadly, Hal had to grow up as an orphan and as a father figure to his little sister. Whenever his little sister asked what happened to their parents, he always had to pile excuses upon excuses though she's gotten used to it by now and stopped caring as much. However, Hal found himself at a disagreement, his religious stance. He never felt connected to Lord Knox and even despised them at times. Typically, Hal felt like he should be greater or equals with Lord Knox though that's heresy. Even though Lord Knox wasn't the only option, it still never sat right with him. Soon, the life in Brandybrook wasn't enough for him, it was fun and all but Hal wanted more; he wanted to go see the world around him, places outside of this forest wonderland. So, Hal got started on his plan once he turned fifteen, planning how he'll leave Brandybrook, how he will explore the world around him and how he'll take all dangers around him head on. Hal's sister soon started grow worried that her brother will get up one day and leave without warning; being left alone. Soon enough, he turns 19 and prepares to set out of the safety from his home and explore the unknown. His little tries to stop him from going but Hal makes his sister a promise, once his adventures are over and done with; he will return to Brandybrook and spend time with his little sister like in their youth. Now we're with Hal at 24 years old, he's been to many places but he isn't satisfied with everything he has seen; the desire to see and experience is still there with him currently.
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