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Everything posted by babieie.e

  1. babieie.e


    Mitsuki 'Suki' Ohmsta Physical Description Mitsuki wears a pink, almost purple-y, ankle length dress that falls off the shoulder, a good reference being HolyClothing's Acacia Maxi in Lavender Blue. The shoes paired with this dress would be leather sandals that wrap around her ankles. She has dark cool toned brown, shoulder blade length hair that is pulled half way back into a twist which is held in place by an off-white ribbon. This twist has white flowers stuck into the twist that are are purchased from a local flower shop . She has fair, yellow toned skin. Mitsuki's eye are dark grey and a downturned shape, a scar from falling out of a tree as a young child is over her left one, though it has no effect on her vision. She stands at a small 5'0", and weighs 102 lbs. Personality Traits/Quirks She's very silent, even the people she's now closest too, it took her a good while to open up to them and be talkative. Even after meeting her, you have a low chance of her even wanting to get close to you, she's very particular on who she befriends/speaks to. Once she finally connects with someone, it's very hard to separate her from them (so in simpler terms, she's quite clingy and stubborn). The main reason for her being so quite is the fact that she lived with her cousins, due to her parents death, and always stayed in her room reading due to feeling out of place. Staying inside away from any social interaction caused her to never develop any social skills. Her life style is very much so the Sutican way, really just going wherever she'd like (within reason) and exploring. Now, religion/faith wise, She's not one for religion. She will listen to you speak about your religion, though it will be of very low likelihood she will be actually interested in participating in it. General Information/Biography Born on the 20th of the Grand Harvest in First Age in Sutica, Mitsuki Ohmsta was a healthy baby, though the same could not be said for her mother. During labor, Mitsuki's mother passed away. It had been about a month before her father passed away due to the grief of his wife's death and other health complications. Soon, she was taken to her cousin's home where she was raised. At the age of 5, it was shared with her that she was only living here because of her parents being dead, which is when she started to isolate herself. She's a very bright girl, having read many of the books the family had owned at the time. When she would go outside, she would still stay away from other people, yet she would gravitate to other things. Pebbles. Mitsuki, at all times, carried a small leather pouch on her person which contained various pebbles she deemed beautiful. One day, while out collecting some pebbles, she stumbled upon a snake. She thought it looked dangerous, and knew soon enough that it was. The snake chased her, which lead to the young Mitsuki climbing up a tree. Sitting in the tree now, Mitsuki accidentally dropped her pebble bag. Quickly trying to get down to the tree now, she stumbled, scratching the area of her right eye on a sharp tree branch. Education wise, Mitsuki was self taught by the books she read. If ever offered to be taken to a school, she would refuse, and go back to reading her books. Though she is self taught, she is incredibly smart. Currently, Mitsuki has resided in Sutica since birth living in a small apartment. In her teenage years, Mitsuki ventured outside much more frequently. She acquired a bow and some arrows, along with a dagger as a gift, and trained herself to use them very well. No longer were her days of reading for hours, but now she would gather flowers and hunt animals to cook for herself. At her home desk, her ever growing pebble collect sits, the ones from her childhood still remaining. Mitsuki is still quite a lonely person, currently not having any friends. She is close to only one of her cousins, but they've even grown apart. She somehow manages to keep herself happy while being all alone.
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