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  1. CzornyKaczuch


    He was born around haense within his family but all of them were killed by the witch except him, that witch took him to her home and she took care of him he was well fed but one day he discovered that she killed his family and tried to escape but the witch got him and made him passout. After the witch took him home, she cursed him and the glass sphere appered on his head. When he woke up he was tied up and couldn't move. Then the someone came to him he didn't knew who was it he only knew that that thing untied him and when he wanted to thank him but it disappered. He had to run for 3 days so the witch couldn't find him, the he made a campfire to warm himsefl up. after 2 days of resting he had to change locations and walked to north when he had found a city the name of it was . when he enterd it he couldn't find and living soul it was just empty, he tried looking everywhere and only he could find was food and water he took it and tried to drink some water but he couldn't he then discovered that he has something on his head he tried to lift it up and almost took it of when he had passed out. when he woke up the sphere was still on his head. Later he was thinking why he didn't feel a need to eat or drink, after walking for some while he found a mirror, he lookd in it but he only saw his body and glass sphere on his head. He Found a boat and started to swim trying to find a living soul and he found a city named elysium.
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