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  1. Greznos


    Much is unknown or forgotten of Greznos' early years. His story begins on a dark night in the realm of Sotonia, the capital city if recalled correctly, where a hungry and wounded Greznos stumbled through the city looking for any and all help he could receive. Limping through the city center, he was rejected aid and shunned as he made his way along the main road hoping for someone to help him. An exhausted Greznos finally collapsed at the edge of the city. One building stood between Greznos and the wilderness; a small inn with only one patron. The inn belonged to a man named Jean Luc. Jean Luc found Greznos and took him in for the night, which turned into several. Greznos had promised to repay Jean Luc to which e replied that he could do so by working for him. As it turns out, Jean Luc had a hidden room underneath his inn; a planning room. You see, Jean Luc and the other 'patron,' who went by Rooster, were involved in a little thievery and bribery and negotiating... basically, they were the wolves of the city and no normal person knew who they were or what they did. Coming under Jean Luc's wing, Greznos became an exceptional "scavanger" and, in time, built a network of contacts that allowed power people to commission him, Jean Luc, and Rooster to do the... undesirable, for a heavy price (but, almost never murder). One day, Jean Luc mentioned to Greznos and Rooster about a portal that harbored many desirable riches, but the lands to which it led were plagued by fire and misery. Several weeks pass and Jean Luc is never heard from again. Greznos never gave much thought of the portal. After the mysterious disappearance of Jean Luc, Rooster and Greznos grew ever closer and moved into another city where Greznos and Rooster began their own rare-goods boutique. Of course, the boutique was a front for the real action, but nevertheless, the boutique's stock did attract attention, notoriety, and prestige. As business on both ends boomed, Rooster and Greznos invested in an inn as a sort of homage to their mentor, Jean Luc, in hopes that he would stumble in by chance. That never happened. Eventually, the boutique's goods were met with competition. The city became neglected and on one fateful day, Greznos lost his dear friend Rooster after he mysteriously vanished. The portal.... Greznos traveled far and wide to search for the portal, but to no avail. The collapse of his current realm left him displaced, reminiscent of his arrival to Sotonia; once more, he had nothing going for him. He needed to move on.... or rather, he needed to find the portal! That might be where Rooster and Jean Luc are (and it wouldn't hurt to do some 'scavenging' or gathering or whatever). On a journey to no particular place, Greznos was told about arcane magic that was connected with the void. He overheard something of elven settlements so he figured he might start seeking that out. But, he ponders, he is more than likely going to need money and connections to seek the portal so Greznos decides that he will reopen his rare-items boutique AND combine it with an inn: two in one! Of course, with his connections, Greznos can bring in a 'little' side money through other means, but the focus.... the focus... is finding that portal.
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