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liver joke

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Everything posted by liver joke

  1. liver joke


    age:0 he was born in the outer edges of Norland surrounded on all but one side by mountains. age:3 when he was 3 he learned how to read and write the simple things and started learning the red faith . age:7 all was going well until his father got cought out in a blizzard and was never seen again. age:10 his mom breaks her legs and has to have them amputated so his older brother has to look after him and his sister. age:15 his mother was killed in a robbery gone wrong he and his siblings went out to gathering berries sand take the fire wood out. age:21 at age 21 he left with his pet dog to travel he promised to come back and see his family again to him self and them. age:23 he and his dog were in a small boat going down a river to deeper waters after 3 days he struck a stone sticking out the water. his self made boat stood no chance a storm was also brewing and he hit his head on a stone and fell unconscious when he woke he had no map no compass and most importantly no dog .
  2. liver joke


    early life he was born into a family of highlanders he doesn't remember the first 3 years of his life because of a drop. at age 6 his grandfather and his pregnant mother both fall of a cliff. at age 8 the highlanders started fighting each other and his father got an arrow to the face. his grandmother looked after him until a sickness killed her. now he was 18 and decided to ditch the cold mountains and traveled to a forest and made a new life a wanted to protect his village but had no money to pay people so could had to find people like him. he found a 21 year old Arack hunting pigs he ask Arack to help him eventually he said fine so for the first time in 3 years he went a town with people. after the bandits were dealt with he was given some money and returned to the forest. his life is not that eventful but now some part of him wants to see the outside world.
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