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Everything posted by FHANO

  1. FHANO


    I was born in Morsgrad, the old capital of the Kingdom of Norland, my father was the commander of a small fleet and my mother was a blacksmith, mainly forging agricultural tools and axes or swords on request. By the time I reached the age of 17 the Sutican war had already broken out, but on my birthday my parents gave me armor, a sword, and a shield, my mother must have worked on it for months. That day my father spent teaching me how to fight with the sword and the shield, the next day he took me into my first battle. We landed behind the enemy lines and then attracted their attention, after a short time we were surrounded by the Orenian soldiers, my father managed to carry what was left of us into the forest when suddenly a rain of arrows fell on us. I pretended to be dead and when the soldiers were gone I realized that I was the only one who survived. As I walked to find the beach I heard a voice calling for help, but as I approached what looks like a man's figure they shoved me on the head and hit me on the head making me pass out. When I woke up I was still in a forest, but my instincts told me it wasn't the same forest; they asked me several questions about military stuff, but I was a simple warrior. They tortured me for several days, but in the end, they realized that I didn't know anything and since I was just a boy they decided to free me in the forest leaving me only my sword and shield. After 3 days I found a ship on the beach and asked where they were headed and they told me to Morsgrad, I then asked if I could sail with them and they said yes and they treated my wounds. Once docked at the port I ran to my mother's shop but what I found was a group of rubble and at that point, I discovered that a fire had broken out in the shop, I hoped my mother was still alive, but I saw a coffin. At that moment I just wanted to kill something, so I went to the courtyard and started destroying the dummy I was allied with. The next day I went to look for a job as a farmer and spent 5 years in those fields.
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