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  • Character Name
    Ragnar McEwan
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  1. MrChewy


    He was born in a little farm just outside of Varhelm, he and his family are Highlanders and praise the allfather as members of the red faith. We went to the temple a lot to praise. When I was 7 my little brother was eaten by a giant spider, he was only 4. I started school when I was 10, my favorite subject was all the physical ones, I loved hunting, svord fighting and gym classes. I graduated from school and after that I got high grades in the secret spy and undercover program. Most of my friends were quite older than me and most of them died in the royal army during the Sutican war, my father and my oldest brother was also killed in that war. My family has a history of soliders as both my grandfathers was seriously wounded in the Rubern war. My mom is a very tough woman, she handled two killed kids and a killed husband, now she is living far away from civilization. I have a lot of experience in drinking and stay undercover.
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