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Everything posted by Nivine

  1. Nivine


    Nivine was born in the Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska. She was raised by a kind mother, Aurora Mors, but a quite harmful father, Kosar Mors. She had gotten quite an ego from being praised by everyone in her town, but she hasn't become cocky because her father always insulted her keeping her down to earth. Hearing stories about the fight with Renatus, and how the orc were their allies. As she grew, she worked and trained hard to find a way to make more money for her family, but when she found herself not being able to get a job, she decided she had enough of bickering with her father and left. Navine was now 17 and had nowhere to go.. and ended up being recruited on a pirate ship. There, she encountered many awful things, such as shady and arrogant people, people who disliked her because of her close friendship with the captain, and even came close to losing her life many times. Because of her close relationship with the captain, she ended up making more money. She stayed with this crew for a few years until people became sick of her. They stopped at the Kingdom of Norland.. and there they dropped her off to grab 'supplies'. When she had come back, the ship was already gone, and she was left with nothing but minimal necessities, from there she made her way to start this journey.
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