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Everything posted by EnderKniqht

  1. EnderKniqht


    Roland had a simple life as a heart lander, however, he was from a strange town that, unlike others from their species, they didn't have a hierarchy. This led to many other towns trying to control the small town and make them become like the rest. When Roland had just become 16, a nearby town finally took control of the town causing Roland to fight for his freedom. The main platoon leader saw this and allowed him to leave after failing to kill the man. however, the man wanted Roland to never fight him again, so he killed his mother making him feel superior and then made Roland leave. Roland lived in the woods far from his home town for 2 years until he found a fishing town, he had decided to get strong and had won against most, if not all of the monsters in the forest, making him feel that leaving was the only way to get stronger.
  2. EnderKniqht


    Roland never lived a uncomfortable life, that's not to say he was wealthy, just had enough to get by. When he turned 8 his parents got into a problem with some money with the local lords, his parents made him run from the city, not saying where to go or what would happen to them. he ran into the wilderness, until a mage found him, taking him in, he discovered that Roland didn't have a knack for magic, but could use it nonetheless, he did however have a high proficiency in battle, making the choices that could lead to him gaining victory nearly every time, later leaving, the mage died, never knowing his name, and only by the word master, he lived in the tower that his master had made until a few adventures found and looted it, breaking it down while he was gone, coming back to nothing Roland decided to venture off into the world, leading him to now, after finding a peasant in trouble with a bandit, saved him, the peasant pointed him in the direction of a town, where he is now (I couldn't find a reference to the lore because the wiki is giving me a error message, if you e-mail the lore to me I can include it in the story.)
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