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Everything posted by Avem

  1. Avem


    Aveminius is a true scholar, hes a fine young gentlemen who loves learning and lives his youth exploring discussing and learning new things. . Altough he has a rather long name, for short he says "Aveminius Gilthos" and even shorter and to his friends, "Avem" Since his love for exploring, he has followed footsteps from his exploring forefather, visiting things such Almaris, with a love for history he tries to learn all about what he is exploring Altough he grew up Haense, he dosnt remember much from there, his brother took him out most of the time to go exploring in the woods, altough his parents did the opposite, they wanted to keep him indoors, as they wanted Avem to be smart like them. His brother left at 16 to go explore the world, Avem looking up to his brother is wanting to follow in his footsteps, and maybe one day, hopes to find his brother Avem has had a pretty easy life, very few struggles and he has spend most of his life just learning and following his fathers footsteps. He dosnt have ur usual tragic past however he has been a victim of bullying from his close friends and even family, therefore he travelled out to leaan and explore the world, he travels alone or with small friendly animal creatures. Avem has a big kind heart, always wanting to help those in need, he is very selfless and cares abouts others more then himself. Altough wealthy, most of his fortune lies in his family heritage, therefore he tries to save money where he can while travelling, Avem is a decent hunter who is quite familiar with a bow and arrow, aswell as a flint knife. His hopes is to one day learn magic and become a great protector of a city, like his dad... In short, he has a smal family of 4, he looks up to his brother, who he hasnt seen in a decade. His parents tought him all he knows with books, his brother taught him to survive. He had few friends as he got bullied by his close friends. he was born in Haense and has not experienced much outside travelling, he wants to learn all he can about the magical world he lives in. His great dream is to one day learn the arcane arts.
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