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Everything posted by jiko3537

  1. jiko3537


    when I was 7 months old I started walking and talking and was labelled as smart and when I was 3 I could already read but not a lot, when I was age 7 my parent realised how I was a happy person who like talking and meeting new people so my parents let me go out a lot alone and one night I ended up walking in the woods with my friends and I thought that it was okay to go out alone to the woods so one night me and my younger sister and she was 4 we snuck out and got lost in the woods 2 hours in I lost my sister so we were both alone and I was trying to find my way home next morning I woke up at the hospital and found out she was still lost to this day I don't like going to the woods alone, at the age of 13 I started being able to go to the woods alone but not that deep in, at the age of 15 I started learning how to cook and hunt but I'm better at cooking then hunting, at the age of 16 my sister was found living in the middle of the woods and she was very injured and mentally traumatised and she forgave me and was starting to get better and learn how to live in the real world and I started cooking more and forgiving my self for what I have done to my sister, my parent never acted the same after my sisters incident which was understandable I had a big friend group my best friend since child hood Emily but we kind of stop being friends at 17 because wo lost touch and each one of us got busy in our own lives I was born in national capital: the crown of elevenses and I was raised there we kind of moved around a lot like we move around from place to place and then come back to the national capital: the crown of elevenses because its just my home land and my place its like the place we call home, at the age of 17 I started enjoying drawing building designs and slowly started learning how to use forest resources and become more creative and unique, I'm also am interested in reading and finding out about the concord of Llyria and there culture
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