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Everything posted by Gwxnyth

  1. Gwxnyth


    She was born to Abiah Lonsworth in the evening. Everything about the pregnancy went well and her early development in childhood was normal. She lived in Leumalin, though it didn't matter too badly, for her life was spent sheltered away, so she didn't become accustomed to the land or people. Her father, was killed brutally years after Quidi's birth. Much of his flesh and muscle was missing, so, it was assumed to be the infamous cannibalistic killer, Knox, but her mother, Abiah didn't care enough for her husband to endorse a further examination. Most of her effort was put towards sculpting the perfect child. A child who would continue their family legacy and become something big. Abiah was intensely religious, and practiced alchemy. She forced Quidi to learn, but Quidi retained none of the knowledge, and when it seemed as if she'd never improve, her mother gave up on her. Her mother continued to put her through numerous tests, perfecting her posture, her speech, and her looks. She was belittled and shamed if she were to make a mistake, sent to be locked into her room for a day and given no dinner. She soon learned how to "fake it" until she "makes it". The constant praise for the majority of the good she'd do gained her an ego, leading her to believe she's genuinely superior to everyone else. As she became older, she was more and more sheltered from others, having one friend, Mit Fellhorn, a wood elf. Eventually, Mit left her for other friends, because she couldn't handle the belittling anymore. Coming from her lonely childhood, she'd read often, finding many books on magics, she found herself interested in illusion. She'd spent a long time attempting to learn illusionary magic, but failing. She lived the rest of her life hating sensory illusion magic because she couldn't do it, blaming her failure on the magic itself, rather herself. This pattern repeated with different Arcane magics, leaving her with a general hatred for most magic. At 18 she was allowed to experience the world, moving country to country before settling on one to pursue her life in at 21. In her time of travelling, she educated herself on the different types of Flora, she found herself fascinated in Night Sap, trying some and becoming temporarily addicted. She distanced herself, and gained a slight fear of addiction, nothing life altering, but she attempts to now keep drinking and other substances to a minimal.
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