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Posts posted by marslol

  1. Wrought with marks of the Titan shackled around her neck like a collar, Nimue's visage tilted up to the dull and strange sun. What a horrible sight this was - only further a bitter reminder of what was lost to herself and the people of the realm, and how swiftly the world will forget and move on. 


    No matter. As is the way of the Lord. She thought to herself, lamenting quietly as the woman's eyes lingered still upon the bloodied moon that soon slipped away out of view. You serve or you don't. He cared for little else.

  2. Out in the middle of the Southern Jungles of Aevos, the Nightshade Druid caught word of the upcoming conflict upon the wind in their scouring of the decimated forests. Birds were seen fleeing into the sky after a moment at some sort of disturbance, as Nature's song exploded forth with true sadistic glee.


    What a wonderful day it was.

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