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  1. amazon


    Calcifer was born and raised by his father whom was a drunk and his mother who was killed by his father's hands when Calcifer was 7. He also had an older brother by the name of Sebastian. Calcifer's childhood wasn't the best but his brother gave him the tools to survive, teaching Calcifer thievery and how to get out of a situation after it become out of hand, and by the age of 15 Calcifer joined an unnamed thieves guild. Due to Calcifer's younger age at the time he didn't bother making many friends but instead rose through the ranks and taking as many missions as he possibly could. Two years later Calcifer made a mistake during one of his jobs, forcing him to murder a family in a small village. The guild was outraged by this and put him in a room with a candle and a stone bed, he was fed once a day. Calcifer didn't mind that there was one meal or that the bed was stone but he hated being alone, no one would talk to him and Calcifer felt as if he was going mad. Weeks after they released Calcifer from the room telling him to leave and go far far away. First Calcifer went to his hometown and the destruction he left behind, the houses were all burned down seeing this Calcifer went into a craze running, searching for his home and finding his brother and father's body facing upwards towards the sky both of them were beginning to decompose. Calcifer took the remaining money he found around the remains of his home and left. During his journey he lost many of his memories, his mother and fathers voices, the torment. Calcifer used the tools he learned from Sebastian and the guild to survive, pickpocketing in bazaars and using that money for food and water, he saved enough to buy his current clothing. He heard lots of stories about new towns and regions such as Sutica and Talon's port where races live together. He also learned about food and different materials from all across the lands, he was also told about books such as The Red Faith; A Primer, as well at the religion of the Red Faith in the Kingdom of Norland. He was given information of Providence since he was a child he heard stories of the capital but not much, the bazaars gave him information about The Burning of the House of Commons and Varon Draskovic as well, for a price of course. It's been two years since Calcifer's been kicked out of the guild, he now has the information and plans he needs to begin his new story of adventure.
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