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  1. Repsaj


    When Galren was born deep within the caves, he was taught that the outside world was to dangerous, and never to leave the caves. When he was 13 years of age, his small town of Cave Dwarves was raided by dark elves. Many of the villages fighters were killed, including his own father. Overcome with rage, his 21 year old brother left to chase after the elves, and was never seen again. He lived his life secluded in the cavers for a long while, until he was 30 years old, and his mother fell ill and died. Galren had nothing left in the caverns, so at 30 years of age, he took his first look at the sun and set off into the world. With a great hatred for Dark Elves, he is driven to either find his brother, or avenge his death.
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