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Everything posted by LuminousInk

  1. LuminousInk


    Azi'ron was the bastard child of a High-Elf Okarir’maehr Noblewoman and a Druidic Wood-Elf father. He inherited his father's outgoing spirit, as well as his love of Nature and The Arts. From his mother, he gets his insatiable curiosity and obsession with The Sciences. Ever since he was a child, he spent all of his time reading, exploring, or experimenting. He was educated in Haelun'or but also learned much from his parents. He had a brief exchange in The Holy Oren Empire, but only with the rest of his classmates. His life aspiration is to be proficient in almost everything under the sun. Being a quick learner and fast reader, it's his goal to become a jack-of-all-trades. He has a laundry list of places to go and things to see. Never being allowed to travel abroad by himself until now, he embarks on a quest to learn everything, meet everyone, and go everywhere. He lives by the quotes "Jack of all trades and master of none, but oftentimes better than a master of one" and "The bitterest tears shed over graves are for words left unsaid and deeds left undone."
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