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  1. DanishV2


    Oswald was born less fortunate than most common folks and lived in poverty for most of his childhood. On a struck of luck, he had stumbled upon an abandoned building. Once inside, it was made clear the rundown building used to be a library. Without a home to return to, he decided to took matters into his own hands and tried making the library habitable. Through passage of time, Oswald had nothing to entertain himself except for the books scattered around the library. From just the first entry, Oswald had found himself entranced with the laid out information and theories. Slowly, rations grew thin and the human had to come up with a means to accumulate funds. Using his creativity and the plethora of information available to him inside the library, he started to scrawl on pieces of worn out paper of a story in which he could then sell for profit. 2 years had passed before he finally finished. Eager, he made way to Providence to see if another soul was willing to publish his work. Unfortunately, no one would accept his offer due to having no background nor pass experiences. Returning to his library, he made one last meal before heading out to find new inspirations across the land as to create his masterpiece.
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