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Everything posted by SoulForGod

  1. SoulForGod


    Born in a farming village near Norland, Ernesto lived peacefully with his father, Delmar Stavarsk, mother, Bel Mordred, and little sister, Alison Stavarsk. Ern was raised to be a farmer, tilling fields and raising cattle for the good of the kingdom of Norland. At the age of 10, his father made a deal with Noland Celmt, a dwarven smith and old friend to Delmar, that Ern would marry Noland's daughter Mera Celmt. Ern was then taught blacksmithing and Dwarvish to help with his father in law's buisness and get closer to Mera. At first Mera saw Ern as just some dumb boy who she had been thrown at because their dads were friends, but as the two worked closer together, she saw him as a kind boy who loved to help others at any opportunity he could and came to like the silly boy who couldn't speak Dwarvish to save his life. As Ern grew, he wanted to be as useful as possible. Taking jobs that would be just a bother to anyone else, picking herbs for those who needed them, anything he could do to help others. This however worried Delmar and Noland as he was spreading his attention and energy too thin to too many people, causing his chores and job back at home to be sloppy and unfinished. After nearly breaking his arm falling from an apple tree to grab some food for a child, Delmar had enough and sat Ernesto down. After a long talk about the importance of how one man cannot help everyone and may in fact hurt others just by helping someone else, Ernesto was miserable with this revelation but took the lesson to heart. The next day, Ern was quiet but focused, when asked if he could help with something outside his job or home, he would decline, stating that he had somewhere to be. Those he helped worried that they asked to much of him and talked to his father about his current condition. With reassurance and a bit of scolding, the villagers left Ern to his own decisions and respected his learned lesson. Mera, however saw this change as loosing the boy she started to like and decided to give Ern one more chance to be helpful for the entire village and prove Delmar wrong about Ern. Late that night, Mera left a note stating she was going out to find something she lost and ran into the forest to be found later with return to the call of Ernesto. This plan took a turn for the worst as she ran right into a group of the Mercatorii Revolutionary Army as they were on their way to the House of Commons. The soldiers could not be told of their advancement and silenced the girl right then and there. Wondering where she came from, they followed her path to the farming village and decided to raid it for supplies before attacking the house directly. Ernesto and his family heard the sounds of combat and attempted to flee but were caught by the soldiers and brought to the middle of town. The villagers who had or could not fight were gathered and pelted by thatch and oil to be burned. Ern was holding his sister as she cried and tired to calm her down to no avail. With just the raise of a hand, torches were thrown into the crowd and with them the village burned. The soldiers left the burning village with their spoils to miss the mad dash of a burned 17 year old and his crying sister. Ern and Alison were the only survivors that day and with them came scars of that horrible day. Ern lost his skin, now burned permanently from the wounds, and damaging his lungs from inhaling the smoke and death. Alison also lost her the skin on her hands, pink as Ern's skin. The pair fled deep into the northland mountains to find shelter and gather their strength to heal. finding an old cabin, forgotten and lost to the world, they healed what they could and gathered resources to keep themselves alive. Alison was the only one that could leave the cabin as Ernesto was so sick and irreparably damaged that he couldn't leave his bed. Alison kept the both of them alive as Ern slowly grew mad in his bed, being more than useless, hindering his sister more and more each day, Ernesto truly hated what he had become. Once Ern could leave his bed long enough to walk to the other side, he helped where he could. Cooking, cleaning, and when Alison wasn't around, training his body practicing the sword. Starting with a stick, he practiced moc fights with the immages of the soldiers he saw that day, replicating their moves, swinging as they did, he would have his revenge. After several years, Ernesto and Alison left their cabin and trekked to the capital of Norland, Varhelm. Gathering coin from odd jobs they could take, they were able to finally reach their new home, Varhelm. Alison started working as a bar maid and Ernesto wished to join the military of Northguard to get more training and one day find the murderers of his village.
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