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  1. Someguynamedsol


    Rarderad was born in 1755 in the realm of Arcas. He was birthed by Orifig Silverring and Girfani Silverring which were of Mountain and Cave Dwarf heritage because of mixed marriage. When he reached the age of 12 Rarderad's parents decided that since he could walk and talk and maybe fight off something that he didn't need too much attention and let him be around the kingdom. At the age of 12 Rarderad happened upon a brewery and was enamored by it's craft and smell. At the age of 20 Rarderad went into apprenticeship of a senior dwarf that taught him the art of smithing and crafting various trinkets and weapons. After 6 years of this training his master said that he taught him everything he knew so Rarderad went wandering around the kingdom searching for jobs and anything that fit him. After 3 years of wandering and working odd jobs here and there he finally found the old brewery where he saw how alcohol was being made 17 years ago. He managed to ask for a job and was a taught by a kind dwarf on how to brew . His training on how to brew lasted for 5 years before his master told him that he was ready to go out into the world and brew his own alcohol! Afterwards he tried to go around and scrape for work trying to make ends meet with various jobs in smithing and crafting but his works were mediocre at best and horrible at worst. He finally settled down at the same Brewery and started working there. He continued working there for 15 years his quality of production of alcohol improving and improving. He decided to make a big investment and lend his brother some money to start his own shop for selling trinkets, weapons and armour on the condition of being able to sell his own product. He bought all the inventory needed to start brewing his own alcohol but he continued working for the brewery shop for another 14 years almost mastering the knowledge of how to make proper alcohol. His brother continued to bug him for all these years to become travelling merchants going around the land selling their equipment and jewellery and alcohol until they could either set up a shop in another kingdom or continue to travel around the entire realm. At 63 Rarderad finally agreed to help with his brothers endeavor and turn into traveling merchants and sell wares and alcohol around the great kingdom of Urguan and then around the realm. (This is where he is now.)
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