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Everything posted by ElvishDev

  1. ElvishDev


    Elyon grew up with a Mali’thill High Elf Father and a Mali’thill High Elf Mother. His father was a in The War of Ironwood. For the first 10 years of his life he grew up pretty normal in a High Elf family, going to a proper school and living in a standard High Elf Home in Silver City. But then when he was 13 his mother decided to no longer live the Mali’thill life and so then became a Mali’ata to the rest of the High Elves and so then she got things easy and was outcast from the High Elf society. Elyon wanted to follow in his mother's footsteps but his father made sure he never was to leave by threatening his with death. So for the next 5 years he spent plotting with some young High Elf "revolutionaries" who also did not like the High Elf attitude and life. Then when he was 18 years old it was time for their escape from society. They planned of leaving in the night and just running as fast as they could out the gates, but when they got ready to escape one person was missing and the others where then wary to leave but Elyon convinced they should still go. As they left the city there were an unusual amount of night guards out but they managed to get past them until they came to the gate, which they found closed and locked, unlike they were used to it being. Quickly they scrambled to find a new why out before a guard found them. They eventually decided to climber up and over the wall and then run. Just as they were about to do this the friend they were missing appeared and had guard with him. They tried to climb up and over the wall still, but one by one they got caught by the guard who was climbing the wall to get them until it was just Elyon, who managed to be the only one to escape. When he escaped he ran and far as he could to the nearest town how could remember from school. The next day he heard from the local people in the town he was staying in that there was going to be several public executions inside of Silver CIty, this was not that uncommon, but the reason for execution was attempted escape and rebellion against the High Elf society, so Eylon decided that he would check it out, because he fear that it was probably his friends. He then thought of a way to watch the executions, so he snuck in as someone from outside the city just going to watch the executions. When he got there it was indeed his friends, but he couldn't do anything against the forces of the High Elf Guard which was everywhere around the site of execution. So he just stood and watched quietly. Once the executions began he made sure not to be seen as they were stating the fact that one escaped from punishment. Then the executioner began executing them, his friends dieing right in front of him horrified, with nothing to do his still stood in silence as the crowd of people mostly cheered for his friends deaths. He was not happy, he was devastated, if he thought "if I hadn't pushed them to go through with the plan when the one was not there. That trator of a friend!", after thinking this it was the final execution and it was his best friend. Just as he was to be executed, Elyon shouted "No!!", then the crowd turned towards him and then realised what he had just done and then escaped quickly from the city and his best friend getting executed. For the years following he spends his time alone being sure not to be a leader because of the mistakes he made and trying to help others to escape from their troubles safely, and with no casualties if possible. As well as exploring the world and finding was to help without forming strong relationships, as to not lose those relationships through some tragedy. He was also in Holy Orenian Empire area when the Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska as a vassal, and recognized it as an Independent Kingdom which claimed their independence and the day called the Haeseni Independence Day.
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