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  1. OrcShiro


    the lowly son of ex monk, orcshiro was raised in the wilderness in almost complete isolation. trained by his father, he learned to hunt, fight and most importantly of the dangers of darkness. he learned or the threat of the eternal darkness, and eil so ancient and vile that its true form and shape has been lost to time, only its effects are felt and seen. orcshiro was taught how to harness the power of the sun to imbue himself with the power of chi. like his father learned to do when we was a monk at a monastery forgotten and destroyed. upon orcshiro's 15th birthday, he and his father were attacked by creatures of the dark, but unlike normally they seemed to attack with purpose . they raided his home, almost as if searching for something. his father sent him out into the woods without a farewell, only a command. "survive My son For the Eastern star rises with you." that was the last he ever seen of his father, since then orshiro has been traveling searching for his purpose and carrying on the teachings of his father always following the rising sun. He Is OrcShiro, Fist Of The East Star.
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