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  1. Little_kitty


    Asher was born on a small costal island very far away from where she is today. it was mostly a fishing island that traded with some country's. However was never anything of too much importance. Her pa, was a fisherman like most the men of her land. he was in leadership of a small crew of men who would go out everyday morning till dusk just fishing out upon the silky satern water because of this Asher found herself falling in love with the sea. she sound found herself joining her father and his men out at sea. she soon found herself excited to discover new lands and have adventures. just traveling a little bit of the water soon wasn't enough for her. this would only intensify as she grew older. her thirst for adventure was soon too much for her family as one day she escaped under the disguise of a man . having been around her father and his men for many of her very early years, she knew how to pass off as a man just enough to avoid detection. she was just a humble cabin boy when the sights of a pirate ship would truly stir up her life for good the battle was fierce but in the end the pirates won, the ship was sank and her plus a few others were taken hostage. everyday they would starve the crewmates until one after another each accepted the deal that each day sounded more and more enticing "join my crew, and there will be plenty of food for all of ye!" the captain would sit outside their jailcells eating an apple as he did. she, like the others quickly found herself joining this "new" crew. at first she hated being a pirate, but the more she grew older, the more she explored. the more liberated and free she felt. the adventures she partook in, the more the crew became like a family. she lost many fine brothers during her travels and once she was a well enough crewmember she revealed herself. at first they were shocked even a little betrayed but soon they accepted it and life went on like it had before. she found herself becoming good friends with captain sylthin. a scary man who seemed unapproachable and rude. but was a kind, yet stern mentor and sea father figure to the still young and adventuress Asher as time went on eventually Sylthin would retire from being a captain leaving that to his second. she was shocked and betrayed when he left. but as time went on her thrive for adventure. her need to rule the waves began to flicker. she found herself seeking new adventures on the mainland. perhaps even having a family one day. so she told her crewmates that on the next stop it would be her last. for she wanted to have the chance at having a Simi normal and adventures life. that she would never forget any of them. and that they would live on in her memory's. and just like that she left to start her new life. a new and exciting start. as one chapter ends a new one begins. and she couldn't wait to read more.
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