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  1. angelrachel


    Herewyn was born nineteen years ago to heartlander parents in the city of Providence. She has lived in the city all her life, only leaving it every other month for trips with her father to neighbouring settlements for business. Her parents struggled with fertility and so Herewyn is their only heir. Consequently, she spent her childhood learning both of their crafts (home-making and merchantry) and is well educated. Between the ages of nine and fourteen, her family suffered through poverty as her fathered remained at home to look after his mother during her last months. After she passed, he initially struggled to get back on his feet and so the family were forced to beg and rely on the kindness of others. When he regained his status as a merchant, Herewyn began to work towards ensuring that could not happen again and so she became a bustling socialite - forging connections with people and saving up favours to be claimed later. This, however, has led to her shifting and morphing into whichever personality the people she is around would like most. When she was eighteen her childhood best friend went on a pilgrimage to meet His Holiness Jude II and passed away during the journey. Herewyn plans to complete the same pilgrimage to honor her friend.
  2. angelrachel


    Herewyn was born nineteen years ago to heartlander parents in the city of Providence. She has lived in the city all her life, only leaving it every other month for trips with her father to neighbouring settlements for business. Her parents struggled with fertility and so Herewyn is their only heir. Consequently, she spent her childhood learning both of their crafts (home-making and merchantry) and is well educated. Between the ages of nine and fourteen, her family suffered through poverty as her fathered remained at home to look after his mother during her last months. After she passed, he initially struggled to get back on his feet and so the family were forced to beg and rely on the kindness of others. When he regained his status as a merchant, Herewyn began to work towards ensuring that could not happen again and so she became a bustling socialite - forging connections with people and saving up favours to be claimed later. This, however, has led to her shifting and morphing into whichever personality the people she is around would like most. When she was eighteen her childhood best friend went on a pilgrimage to meet His Holiness Jude II and passed away during the journey. Herewyn plans to complete the same pilgrimage to honor her friend.
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