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  1. Kraeff


    They were born in the city of Kal Urguan. They had two brothers and one sister, until the day when Kal'Urguan fell to the Undead when they lost their sister and older brother. The rest of the family managed to escape and fled the city, roaming from one town to another, until eventually settling down in Kal'Varoth. There they spend their time studying dwarved theology, with the hope of one day joining Da Kirkja Dverga. When they were around the age of 50, their brother left Kal'Varoth for untold reasons, their father died when they were 54 and their mother died when they were 56. Now alone in the city, they decided to fully devout themselves to Da Kirkja Dverga and working towards becoming a Priest. As of now, they are living in Kal Urguan, working in Da Kirkja Dvera as an Initiate, drinking ale in his free time while still wondering if their brother is alive.
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