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  1. kimple


    Ralla Rubenshed born in a small town, Broadoak many miles away from anything that is civilised. He grew up with a family of 3. One being his mother, and the other two being his younger sisters, his dad was in the picture growing up but he passed away due to injuries after a battle, and Ralla told himself to take charge of his family. And be the man of the house at the age of just 14. The four years leading up to his 18th name day he already had a name for himself around town, being a fierce and confident young Dwarf. Good in his works, like Blacksmithing. And due to him getting this job at an early age he was around people nearly double his age. The older group of Dwarven men. Fighters. Just like his father. They would often take Ralla out with them around Broadoak going from tavern to tavern, one night Ralla was getting wound up by the members of Broadoak, his so called friends at the time. He just snapped. Pulled out his axe and gashed them both down. After it happened Ralla claims to not have remembered anything. But majority of the town was in the main tavern and witnessed what happened. He faced a trial the day after in front of the whole town and his family, they ruled him out to be banished and to never return. His mother and two sisters couldn't even look at him that day, and it was the last day he would ever see them. Ralla travelled many many miles, crossing nearly half the globe. Ralla is now at the age of 22. Meaning hes travelled for 4 years on a adventure across the world. Seen many things. Many cultures but has always kept distance and to himself, he has realized that the is more to the world than just running from his problems. Ralla wants to settle down by himself maybe find himself a Dwarven wife and have a family. Ralla has never lost hope even in his darkest of times.
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