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    Jason Arch
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  1. bootymctooty


    Jason was an only child of a loving couple. this couple had a small kingdom, very few enemies but also pretty weak in army forces. the kingdom was happy until Jason's mother, Martha, was killed by a gang of skeletons while her and Jason were flower picking outside of the kingdom walls, Jason was shot in the eye and was about to be finished off but a small group, people of all kinds of races, attacked the skeletons and saved him, by the time the guards got back it looked like the group of saviours had committed the crime and were blamed for it as nobody would listen to Jason. As a result of this Duncan, Jason's father and the king, went into a state of depression and neglected his kingdom for many years. it wasn't until a mass assault of unknown raiders attacked and pillaged their kingdom, once it was all over and the raiders had run off Jason appeared from rubble and desperately looked for survivors... but there were none, he tried looking for his father but nor him or his corpses was anywhere to be found. Jason stayed in the rubble for days until he set out to finally find his father.
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