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  1. SerKnight99


    He is the fourth son of a blacksmith in Norland, his father was a believer of the red faith and taught what little knowledge he had to him. Through his father he learnt craftsmanship and the sword, occasionally practicing with one his father had gifted him. He was an excited lad that was ready to explore, fight and get out in the world. During his early teenagerhood he went exploring in the lava mountains leading to bandits that would be steal from him and give him his scar. His brother rescued him leading to a closer bond between the two. He became less excited to explore, fight and get out there in the world, (he still had the passion for it but was now more cautious). He now wears the colour red to remind him of lava mountains and the evil he witnessed as well as the Red Faith and the good in the world that can overcome it. After his scarring he become more developed in the Red Faith and his blacksmith life and eventually dreamt to be in the army. When he was 18 he took a year in the woods to practice basic survival skills, and reflection of himself, following that he is now ready to join the army.
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